Colds, and why I like lying.

Aug 02, 2006 07:31

I have a cold, why this should be is anybody's guess. However, as it's winter down here it must be appropriate that i am sitting at my desk shivering over a lemsip.

Honestly, I was expecting a proper tropical disease, and whilst this could be the first symptoms of a fatal bout of encephalitic malaria, it's more likely the snuffles.

In other news, I have three performance reviews coming up and to be frank, I'm not looking forward to any of them. I've two with my direct reports, both of whom are underperforming and hostile when challenged, then there's mine with my boss, who's nice, and extremely hard working but doesn't really listen, so if I tell him something he doesn't like, I'm going to get shouted at.

For the record I'm going to tell him three things he won't like: 1: he doesn't listen to me and shouts when I try to tell him stuff 2: I'm leaving once I've done two years, and 3: I'd like him to tell me either when he was thinking of promoting me, or what I need to do so he can. All of which is going to be honestly unpleasant, and unpleasantly honest. Horrid honesty. I like lies, they are less effort, and don't help others.

I have taken to referring to one of my staff as 'pudim mia' which is dog portunol for 'my pudding', because she sits there unless otherwise instructed 'com uma pudim'. This is extremely bad form, but makes me giggle, suspect many of my previous bosses must have had 'hilarious' nicknames for me.

My nose is bleeding into my mucus. Mmmmmm. Horrid ickiness. May have to go and puree myself to avoid any further horror.

So all in all, it's another day in the happy go lucky world of Angola. On the subject of which, newswires a-twitter here with Castro (the Cubans and the Angolan ruling party, the MPLA, are old buddies from back in the day). Really must go and see Cuba before the communism runs out.

That and North Korea. I'm not sure treating political systems of government as endangered species in a zoo is entirely ethical, but it would be nice to see something different, before either Fukuyama or Huntington get the last laugh, misearbalists the pair of them.

Called an old friend last night, their answer phone put a smile on my little face.

Sorry very boring post. That's what happens when I don't leave it six months between gibbers.
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