Life in a southern town...

May 09, 2006 18:43

So, erm I've been here about three weeks now, it feels like forever already.

Some random thoughts:

Seen two people killed in a road traffic accident in front of me. Watched an ambulance not even move to help.

Been to a beach where there's 25 shipwrecks in a bay, met an ex South African naval bloke who probably put some of them there.

Spent a lot of time explaining basic unit conversions and some beginners maths to one of my team. She's about the best prospect of all our new staff.

Taken photographs on some of the most beautiful cliffs I've seen, sat on a lot of beaches, it's an amazing place in a lot of ways.

Got drunk. A lot.

Listened to some of the most spectacular ex pat whinging I've ever heard. My favourite being 'my maid doesn't iron my skirt pockets' which is just legendary.

Started work today at 6.40, still here now, can't get home, there's no cars and I'm not allowed to walk.

Miss the girlfriend.

Need to get out of town more, might have to go a bit off piste pretty soon, the bp bubble is getting tiresome...

Overall and on balance: this place is a mess. I mean literally, economically and otherwise, and yet, you can see things changing. If the govt. got out the way, these guys would be back on their feet in no time, especially since they've got the cash to invest in infrastructure and stuff.

Other than that I guess life is good.
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