Would you like a suckle of my... ZIPPLE?!

May 01, 2009 22:43

"I'd like you to know that I consider all of you my pee-pees." - LMFAO. I love Scrubs. I miss The O.C. I miss Friends. Why must they get rid of all the shows I love?!

I haven't written a blog in about 57 years. I figured I might maybe may perhaps write a bit before I try to sleep. I will probably fall asleep at 2 and then I have to wake up at 5 to get out of here at 6 to go to Florida. OMG YAY A PLACE THAT IS NOT EVANSVILLE! Other than concerts, I really haven't been out of town on a trip for 6 years. And I haven't been to Florida in 8 years. I'm not complaining though, because I got to go to Hawaii, which was definitely a once in a lifetime experience.

People annoy me. Sometimes I wonder if I'm cut out to be a nurse because I'm not a big fan of people. However, I can't see myself doing anything else. If not nursing, I'd like to go into counseling or something along those lines. Nursing is a 3 year degree and you have to have a master's in social work for a couselor. I think I'll stick with the nursing. I'm poor and I don't think I can take much more school. Perhaps some day waaaaaaaaay down the road I'll go for some psychology stuff at USI. Right now I'm stuck at Ivy Tech. (otherwise known as hell...)

Nora is 6 months old already. I can't believe it. Life is flying by. Six months ago she was teeny tiny. And precious. She's uber precious now, though. She can do things.... like the other day I was at lunch and she smacked me in the eye and then punched me in the face lmao. She doesn't quite have control of her hands yet. Soon she will be able to pick up her own food. She still won't hold her bottle! I don't remember when babies start doing that but she's lazy lmao. She eats regular food now. She loves string cheese and peaches. She is not a fan of ranch dressing or mashed potatoes, though. If you give her those her face is like "WHY MOM?!@#! WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?! WHYYYYYY?!"

My sister is getting more and more pregnant. I can't wait to see little Johnny! What the hell are we going to do? We don't know what to do with boys in this house.... It's going to be crazy. I'm sure Nora will be like OOOH, a new toy! lol.

The man situation is a little confusing right now. I'm "talking" to a guy. I'm pretty sure about 75% of you know who he is. Because of his situation I'm not going to plaster his name everywhere because ....it's just a long story. Point being, I like him a lot but I'm still not sure I'm ready to be someone's girlfriend. I'm pretty sure it's because I have Nora & school & work to worry about and in my head having a boyfriend is like having another kid. Every guy I've seriously been with (LMFAO, all 2 of them) have been super immature. I felt like I was raising a child. I don't want to feel that way. I'd like a relationship where a man can actually be a grown up. I don't want to have to worry about paying other people's bills or cleaning up after someone. I shouldn't have to do that for anyone but my daughter.

AND, I had a huge discussion the other day with Brittany Fujiyama Roat about how it is hard to find a guy that is actually intelligent. Seeeeeeeeeeeeriously. I always settle for losers. I'm not settling again. (Not that the guy I'm "talking" to is a loser...I'm talking of the past guys) I would like to be with someone I could have an intelligent conversation with. Maybe someone that knows how to spell the word 'what.' LMFAO. Not that spelling is a big deal because a lot of people suck at it. But ...'what' ... I mean seriously. GRRR.


Working at BM (coincidence that the initials of my employer are also the abreviation for bowel movement?)  is like staying in an abusive relationship with a really hot guy that's good in bed. You get treated like shit, hit, called every name in the book, and you can never do anything right. But you always think about the good times, the little perks, and the great people you work with and you get sucked right back in!!! lmfao. The lady from Newburgh called the other  day and offered me the position I really wanted. It was Mon-Fri 11a-7p. I told her that I wasn't switching jobs because Bethel is giving everyone raises and they are supposed to make me a midshift. Then I go into work today feeling oh so loyal and happy with my job and they're like "btw, Ginny quit and we're short staffed again, have a nice night!" *runs away* It's nights like tonight that make me think "Why the hell didn't I take that job?!@#!" It was just too far of a drive. And I'd take a cut in pay. It just wouldn't be worth it. Plus, I love 80% of the people I work with. I've never had that at a job and I don't want to lose it. I would miss my residents waaaaaaay too much. 2 people died this week.... SAD DAY.

Well, I'm off to Florida. I hope everyone here in Evansville has a lovely time while I'm laying on the beach watching (and not talking to because I'm shy and insecure and afraid) the hot guys. Watch me get to Florida and the only people sharing the beach with us will be old people and their tiny dogs.

I got a new phone! It's green and awesome. Like me, except for the green part lmao.

Love to all.

OHYEAH. Since I won't have internet whilst in Florida 812-568-5270... Here is my cell number. I'm a text machine. So if you'd like to entertain me, be my guest. 

remember the old times, myspace is terminal, myspace blog, i suck, people suck, pointless rant

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