Dec 23, 2004 23:53
wow finals were soooo easy..... band... it was cool.... i did ok but not perfect..... argh.... then american history was easy... prabably b/c i had all the answers on my note sheet... thank god for that review we had...... algebra 2... omg omg he gave us the alg 1 test and i so frikkin aced it (or got a b)... i was soooo happy..... then law studies... that was a kool test... probably b.c i had stavros and mindy right next to me talking about having sex with their b/f---g/f.... thanks guys.... im gonna miss first hour with chelsie beanz jordan and kevin.... all the sarcastic humor would make my day.... not gonna miss band much... prolly b.c. im doing it again....algebra 2... im gonna miss mr.cairns... no matter how hard i try i can not hate that dude.... he was one of the best teachers ive ever had.....hopefully i wiss still have lunch with my homies... lol kim and michelle and daniella and lilly.... and flaher... how can i sum up his class..... oh yeah one word...supercalifragilisticexpialidoshus (i think i missed an i and an e in there somewhere... lol ????????) im gonna miss hanging out in the band room fourth hour with stettner and getting cursed by the devil all the time... 666...666..666. ahhhhh.... this quarter has been fun....tiring but fun.....thanks to everybody who helped me and kept me company during my boring classes..... much luv...... any way.... on a different note
it doesnt feel like its almost christmas... infact today is christmas eve (its 12:03 by my clock) maybe when i leave to go to <3 maryland <3 it will finally set in..... i love maryland i hope it snows..... i love makes me feel happy... i wish i had a camera that way i could take pics of maryland and show you all what a dream land it is... its the perfect place to raise children and grow up....i wish you all visit maryland one day and get to witness first hand what im talking about.....well gonna go and sleep....hopefully to dream of sugar plum faries and candy canes... lol... HOPES DREAMS AND WISHES... <3 jesie