May 17, 2009 09:56
perhaps you are not the kind of person who develops firm, passionate obsessions with objects. you also might not be the kind of person who is willing to eat food that comes pre-packaged in a styrofoam cup. you are thus a more virtuous, healthier person than i, i guess, but yr life probably isn't the roller coaster thrill ride of culinary misadventure that mine is, and in that respect you lose.
be advised that i am not talking about some anthony bourdain style of extreme slug eating or whatever. i try whenever possible to get my kicks, food-wise, in humble ways. like via the humble ramen noodle soup cup. the brand i favor is the maruchan instant lunch, california vegetable flavor. this soup requires a cup of water and three minutes to become a delicious meal, and, if you have some, some sriracha for added awesome. the cup's size and shape is conveniently designed for carrying around while walking and the broth has rehydrated peas and such floating in it. it is a relaxing comfortable food that i like a lot, and the corner stores around town seem to get about one box of soups per year. this is where the adventuresomeness comes in. maruchan makes instant lunches in many flavors, and while you will always find chicken, beef, lime shrimp and etc. on the shelves of yr neighborhood market, california vegetable is a rarer thing, disappearing for months on end, only to reappear mysteriously long after you have stopped looking hopelessly for it. the periods of abstinance from my favorite ramen make me appreciate it more, and its sneaky habit of showing up unexpectadly make every trip to the grocery store a thrill.
high fives all around.