(OOC) Application

Feb 27, 2009 12:27

Character's Name: Knuckles
Series: Sonic the Comic

After Issue 101 of Sonic The Comic. Knuckles has gotten back to the island after being stuck on the ground for several strips only to find the Mushroom Hill Zone as been cleared out and the Emerald Hill Folk who had been living there kidnapped and about to be turned into a huge living computer by Robotnik and Dr Zackery, after beating them it was safe for the Emerald Hill Folk to return to their homes leaving Knuckles alone* on his island again, finally. (*Alone except for Porker Lewis, but he's quiet and I helping Knuckles restore the island's systems so he's okay.)

Canon Resource Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDtnjVIzDv0 He'll have only lived up to the 4min and 10 second mark though.

And http://www.knuckleschaotix.info/other.htm the downloads marked Sonic 5 Sonic 7 and Sonic 8 are STC's loose adaptation of Sonic 3 & Knuckles.

What your character can offer:
Knuckles is very strong, rocks crumble under his punches, he can dig tunnels, climb and glide. He's also very stubborn and it hard to get him to reconsider something once he's made up his mind. After living alone for as long as he can remember, and being lied to by the first person he met he has trust issues. This was not helped when the first of his own kind he met, Dr Zackery, shattered the Master Emerald.
He has a high sense of honour though and once he does trust you however, he'd fight to his last breath for you.

What items will they be bringing with them? Nothing but his clothes, Gloves, shoes and a NecklaceTorc

Third-Person Sample:
This was ridiculous, after being left stuck down on the surface with that Pirate he walked what felt like half the planet before making it home with the chest of ancient scrolls about the floating island and when he finally get's back to his home and can enjoy sleeping in his own bed he wakes up here instead!

Question was where was here?

“This doesn't look like the Special Zone.” Knuckles said to himself.

The Echidna looked around at the buildings around him and started climbing the biggest one, but only halfway up he was already gasping for breath.

This doesn't make any sense, I've climbed taller without getting the least bit winded

He paused to catch his breath when he saw a shadow on the wall, but there was nothing around to cast it...and it was moving...

Knuckles started moving across the building away from the shadow but it darted towards him, when it was close enough to Knuckles to poke it if he had wanted to, a shape rise out of the wall. It was half his height pitch black with glowing yellow eyes and two antenna, before the red Echidna had a chance to react it slashed at him and Knuckles fell, he tied to guild but done little more the slow his decent. As he landed back in the dark ally where he had started.

He looked up at where the shadow being was it looked confused at where his prey had gone looking down but apparently not seeing him in the darkness of the ally it wandered off.

Knuckles watched it go, he would go after it and make it pay for attacking him like that but he wanted to know what was wrong with him first.
He was about to walk out of the ally when he heard the strange device on the floor beeping.
It looks like a communicator of some kind. “Hello?”

First-Person Sample A:
[Sound of muttering and buttons being pressed.]
Ah! I think I got it working now. Or I hope I did. Otherwise I'm just talking to myself and this is a giant waist of time.

So can anyone here me on this thing? Porker hearing your voice would cheer me up no end.

No? Well I guess that would make things too easy wouldn't it.Although I wouldn't say no to easy.
Can anyone here me? I've gotten...a little turned around, and I'm not sure where I am, at all, really.

First-Person Sample B:
Set as if he just arrived in DaisychainRPG:

That's odd. This city is in ruins but the computer network is still working?

What happened here? This doesn't look like any Zone I know, and while this place is a mess it doesn't look like Robotnik's work. I haven't seen any robots or a start. Only these really ugly insect type...things. Like to shriek a lot, can move pretty quick but really can't take a punch. Anyone care to tell me what they are?

Sonic you out there? It wouldn't surprise me if you were, you're always around when something goes wrong. Maybe you can tell me what's going on. Quickly please, speed is your speciality after all, and I've got a floating island to get back to.

[ooc], !discedo

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