002 action - Backdated to the 14th

May 20, 2011 15:46

[Knuckles browsed though the bookshelves in the library, the guide had said he probably wouldn't find my information here, but he was going to try anyway. The few people he'd met seem to expect him to take what was writing in the guide as fact. But Knuckles couldn't not check, just like he couldn't pretend his time here was a “vacation” like ( Read more... )

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[Action] | Because I need an excuse for them to meet semper_cogitans May 21 2011, 06:01:34 UTC
[Even now that Robert has his nanocomputer, he often finds himself at the library, researching things using the books there. Though they aren't anywhere near as helpful as the Terran databases, it is reassuring to have some access to information...

... It's just too bad that it's on paper. Robert doesn't think he'll ever be completely used to paper. It just makes him wonder how many trees had to die.

At any rate, though, a fellow skeptic is definitely appreciated, and so Robert would totally empathize with what Knuckles was doing - if he noticed it, anyway. Right now, he's rather engrossed in a book about chelonian health and anatomy. (Were Knuckles to know Robert a little better, he might be able to guess why he's reading it...) Or at least, he was engrossed. The sight of a dimunitive, bright red, spiny looking non-human sapient definitely grabs his attention.

But the first thing he does is ask, in a nervous, halting, but clearly curious voice:]

E-Excuse me, but... might you, er, need some... a-assistance perusing those books?

[Robert's not exactly tall, either, but he's probably taller than Knuckles.]


[Action] | \o/ Wow HTML fail /o\ wears_a_torc May 21 2011, 07:51:39 UTC
[Everyone All Humans are taller than Knuckles. And they all seem to end up trying to kill Knuckles sooner or later, so he's naturally wary when Robert approaches. However, the echidna does relax a little at the stutter.]

I can manage. [And indeed he does manage to get the book he was reaching for.] Thank you.


[Action] | I've done worse *shot* semper_cogitans May 21 2011, 07:58:52 UTC
[Don't worry, Knuckles, this human is a lot more nervous of you than you are of him.

He looks over at the shelf, then studies the book Knuckles is holding with some interest.] Ah... might you be r-researching something as well? Perhaps I could... be of assistance.

[Robert, of course, tried to look for information on Luceti himself... and got thwarted fairly readily.]


[Action] | Me too ^^; And now I have to go wears_a_torc May 21 2011, 08:16:36 UTC
[Knuckles pauses, but he figures trying to hide what he's doing would only make the human more curious.]

I'm looking to see if I can find any useful information about this place.

[Knuckles' isn't having any more luck than Robert did.]


[Action] semper_cogitans May 21 2011, 09:38:51 UTC
[Robert is just a curious type, but yes. It helps that Knuckles is a species he's never seen before...]

Unfortunately, that seems to be n-nearly impossible...

The Malnosso are... quite diligent about keeping that information out of our reach.

[Robert sighs and presses a hand to his forehead. He remembers scouring the place for even vaguely-helpful books, and finding nothing.]

And asking them is likely even less helpful...


[Action] wears_a_torc May 21 2011, 11:53:54 UTC
[Knuckles sighs and looks at the book in his hand.]

I expected as much, and I wouldn't believe anything they told me anyway.

But I can't not look.


[Action] semper_cogitans May 21 2011, 22:18:55 UTC
Your actions are... commendable. I admire a good skeptical mind.

And searching for information is... c-certainly more useful than just accepting things passively... A good scientist always analyzes the situation.

[So saying, Robert gnaws his lip gently and sweeps his eyes over the shelves.]

Information is a precious commodity in this place... we have so little of it, comparitively, about our situation... which is infuriating.


[Action] wears_a_torc May 22 2011, 19:32:53 UTC
[Knuckles gives Robert a look before he actually chuckles.]

No one's ever compared me to a scientist before.

[And seeking information that's not there to find is sadly something Knuckles is rather used to.]


[Action] semper_cogitans May 23 2011, 00:07:40 UTC
Is that so? I hope you find it a p-positive comparison, though - it was meant as such.

[Robert studies the books on the shelf Knuckles was searching.] I am still s-somewhat... unused to books. I suppose I will be for some time yet...


[Action] wears_a_torc May 23 2011, 19:08:44 UTC
Er... I find it pretty Ironic actually, but thank you.

[Knuckles looks down at the book in his hands.] You don't read many books?

[You sure look like the bookish type.]


[Action] semper_cogitans May 23 2011, 19:13:13 UTC
[In an almost conversational tone:] Well, it is... more that my world s-simply does not have them.

... They were phased out after an environmental disaster called the Great Cleansing... Amongst other d-damages done by my imbecilic ancestors to the environment, the tree cover on land suffered a dramatic drop of almost two-thirds...

Suffice it to say that after those incidents, the T-Terran Government put extremely strict regulations on the u-usage of tree products... including paper.

[And this might explain why Robert touches the books so carefully, with an almost disturbed reverence reminiscent of somebody handling a pelt from an endangered animal.]


[Action] wears_a_torc May 23 2011, 19:24:34 UTC
[Knuckles frowns though the start of Robert's explanation, these "Imbecilic Ancestors" sound like a certain doctor to him..."]

Did your world recover?

[Knuckles is careful too, but more from the fact he's used to dealing with ancient scrolls than mass produced books.]


[Action] semper_cogitans May 23 2011, 20:02:12 UTC
Yes... the Great Cleansing s-served to spearhead a technological and scientific revolution due to the sheer amount of technology that had to be made for the sake of removing the pollution and trying to clear the damage. [Robert looks sober as he speaks.] But even now the planet is still quite damaged in spots... and there were countless numbers of species of both f-flora and fauna lost.

... There is a r-reintroduction process going on, though. But it is slow; it has to be, to a-allow... environmental stability.

[Wistfully:] There are species of trees here that are extinct on Terra...


[Action] wears_a_torc May 24 2011, 17:59:47 UTC
Fixing anything can take a long time, but it sounds like your world is on the right track.

...Maybe you can try to sneak some back with you?


[Action] semper_cogitans May 25 2011, 00:04:10 UTC
I hope so. E-Especially after all our efforts, at this point...

[He pauses thoughtfully at this.] I h-hope, one day, that there will be... open t-transportation between the multiverses here and Luceti.

... There are people here I... w-would not wish to leave for anything.

[He wants to either take them home with him, or take him home with them.]


[Action] wears_a_torc May 26 2011, 15:27:53 UTC
That shouldn't be too hard once we get out of this world. [Knuckles refuses give up on getting out.] It's not unheard of on Mobius.


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