002 action - Backdated to the 14th

May 20, 2011 15:46

[Knuckles browsed though the bookshelves in the library, the guide had said he probably wouldn't find my information here, but he was going to try anyway. The few people he'd met seem to expect him to take what was writing in the guide as fact. But Knuckles couldn't not check, just like he couldn't pretend his time here was a “vacation” like ( Read more... )

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[Action] ninjacane May 20 2011, 15:17:00 UTC
[Knuckles is not the only one that's taking everything said for granted. Splinter may not be as knowledge-driven as his son Donatello, but he still has his moments. Such as now, with his son missing.

Unfortunately, he doesn't seem to be finding much about Luceti, and is getting obviously frustrated as he flips through a book he had previously thought might be promising. He's frowning, making an irritated little noise at the back of his his throat every now and then.

He notices Knuckles out of the corner of his eye, but doesn't speak to him. While it's odd to have a larger group of nonhumans here, he's too focused to acknowledge him.

At least, not until he's gotten closer to Knuckles and finds a book of interest next to him. He speaks just before he grabs the book:]

Pardon my intrusion.


[Action] wears_a_torc May 20 2011, 15:44:16 UTC
[Knuckles' wings flutter in that not quite controlled way the limbs tend to when they're new. While the echidna had noticed the rat, he hadn't expected him to grab for one of the books by him.
After a moment of annoyance he notices the focused look on the rat's face.]

No problem...What are you looking for?


[Action] ninjacane May 20 2011, 15:51:12 UTC
[Sorry, his son is more important than not annoying you. But at least he was polite about it? When he's addressed, his expression smooths over to something more neutral.]

I am trying to learn more about our prison. [He frowns slightly again.] However, there seems to be little here.


[Action] wears_a_torc May 20 2011, 16:00:23 UTC
[Knuckles appreciates the politeness, honest.]

I've already looked at that one. I'm afraid it's just a story book.

[Knuckles finally manages to get the book he was reaching for, and starts flicking though it.]


[Action] ninjacane May 20 2011, 16:22:39 UTC
[Splinter looks up from the book he was just starting to flip to, then over at Knuckles directly for the first time.]

You are searching for similar information?


[Action] wears_a_torc May 20 2011, 17:23:16 UTC
Yes. [Knuckles glances up from the book to meet the rat's look.]

I know there's not much chance of finding anything, the Malnosso aren't likely to leave anything useful laying around. But I can't not look.


[Action] ninjacane May 20 2011, 18:03:23 UTC
My sentiments exactly.

[Splinter glances down at the story book, flipping through it.]

Even a story book has a bit of truth in it. Even fairy tales have a source or a purpose that can give clues about the author's life. ... but this book has nothing about this place.

[So, useless it is, even if his children would have liked to be read this book when they were hatchlings. So back onto the shelf it goes.]


[Action] wears_a_torc May 20 2011, 19:46:28 UTC
[Knuckles Nods as he looks back to his own book, sighing.]

This one doesn't have anything of use either. [Knuckles snaps the book closed and puts it back as he looks over the other titles.] So how long have you been here?


Re: [Action] ninjacane May 20 2011, 19:57:27 UTC
[Splinter puts back his book right where he got it, too, then starts searching for another.]

I arrived here about two months previous. And yourself?


[Action] wears_a_torc May 20 2011, 20:13:54 UTC
A week... [Knuckles has to stretch for the next book to catch his eye, and his wings flap again helping Knuckles keep his balance. Even though Knuckles was trying to keep them still so they wouldn't bump his quills.

The echidna let's out a frustrated sigh that almost sounds like a growl.]

Do the wings ever stop being annoying?


[Action] ninjacane May 20 2011, 20:20:55 UTC
[At the mention of the wings, Splinter's flutter a little. He manages a bit of an amused but somewhat tired expression.]

One may get used to them, but they never cease to let their presence be known.


[Action] wears_a_torc May 20 2011, 20:43:16 UTC

[Knuckles stretches further and gets the book he wanted this time. He'll have to move the stool over for the next one.]


[Action] ninjacane May 20 2011, 20:45:15 UTC
[Splinter lapses into silence at that, picking up another book and reading through it.]


Re: [Action] wears_a_torc May 20 2011, 21:03:56 UTC
[Knuckles is quiet too as he leafs though his newest volume. He's far more used to scrolls, but the smell of paper the books are made of is still a little comforting. Now if only he could find something useful to read.]


[Action] ninjacane May 20 2011, 21:09:32 UTC
[They continue to each look at books in silence for a short while until a thought occurs to Splinter as he slides another book back in place. He looks over to Knuckles again, hesitating for the briefest of moments before he speaks.]

What rows have you searched thus far? Perhaps it will go faster if we search for answers together.

[You seem trustworthy enough to share in the work. ... And he's fairly certain that if you kept something from him, Donatello already knows it.]


[Action] wears_a_torc May 20 2011, 21:24:43 UTC
[Knuckles closes another useless book before turning to the rat.]


[Trusting someone else would be a risk...but it would save time. And if he somehow ended up untrustworthy it just means he'd have to check the whole library instead of half ... which is what he thought he was going to have to do anyway. With a small nod to himself he put the book away.]

Just this row and the one behind it. To be honest I only started checking the books recently.


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