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[Action] eidolon_soul May 7 2011, 15:19:11 UTC
[Rydia doesn't stray too far from the village during this part of the cycle, but she can and will wander the edges, hoping to spot New Feathers. If she can help them a little earlier, why not?

Upon seeing someone she doesn't recognize, and limping at that, a concerned Rydia starts forward.]


[Action] wears_a_torc May 7 2011, 16:19:15 UTC
[Knuckles glances up when he sees the woman coming towards him. He's a little surprised that she's human. He had expected to come across more turtles like Donatello when he reached the village, but it doesn't really make any difference to the echidna. He'll keep moving and, stubborn little thing he is, forces himself to walk normally as she approaches.]

Er, Hello.


[Action] eidolon_soul May 7 2011, 16:40:53 UTC
[That doesn't stop Rydia from asking what's on her mind, though.]

Hello. Do you want healing? There's no reason to walk around like that when it can be fixed.


[Action] wears_a_torc May 7 2011, 16:44:35 UTC
[And the offer of healing causes Knuckles to blink, he wasn't sure what he was expecting but it wasn't that.]

Healing? Are you a doctor?


[Action] eidolon_soul May 7 2011, 19:13:36 UTC
[She shakes her head.]

No, but I do have some healing magic. I'm Rydia, one of the volunteers at Luceti's Welcome Center.


[Action] wears_a_torc May 7 2011, 19:59:21 UTC
Magic? [Magic's good, he's had better luck with magic users than doctors. But he still has trust issues.] Thank you, but you don't need to waist it on me.

I'd would like to hear about this welcome centre. I already have the guide, but I haven't had chance to read it yet.


[Action] eidolon_soul May 7 2011, 20:34:30 UTC
Fair enough.

[She isn't going to push the issue, seeing as how he's not in dire need. No reason to make the newcomers even more tense.]

It's right in the center of town. I can show you the way, since I was about to head back, as it is. We have food, drink, beds and try to provide as much in the way of answers about this place as we can.


[Action] wears_a_torc May 8 2011, 07:09:52 UTC
That's very kind of you.

You must get a lot of new arrivals to be so prepared.


[Action] eidolon_soul May 8 2011, 15:44:38 UTC
[Rydia nods as she leads the way.]

Every couple of months, we have a bunch of new people from different worlds and times arrive here. Some are those who were sent home and are returning, but many are here for the first time. In that case, it helps to pass on what we know. There wasn't anything like it when I first arrived.


Re: [Action] wears_a_torc May 8 2011, 16:04:00 UTC
[Knuckles falls into step at her side.Listening but not saying much, People returning? So some do get to go home, for a while at least.]

There wasn't? ...How long have you been here then?


[Action] eidolon_soul May 8 2011, 16:24:57 UTC
A little over two years. I arrived in February, which as you can imagine was a lot less fun when the Malnosso dress you in the same kind of clothing they do for the warmer months.

[She wrinkles her nose at that, never about to forgive them for making people nearly freeze to death.]


[Action] wears_a_torc May 8 2011, 17:15:01 UTC
That is a long time. [A small trace of concern can probably be heard in his voice. He can't afford to spend two years away from the island! Who knows what would happen!]

Yes I can imagine. [Knuckles doesn't know much about clothes, but even he can see where that would be a problem. She nearly freezes to death and he gets trousers that he doesn't need.]

The Malnosso are the reason we're here? [He had been starting to think that this place was like the Special Zone, but it all seems too ... organised.] They can't be to smart if they just leave people to freeze in the winter.


[Action] eidolon_soul May 8 2011, 17:22:06 UTC
[Rydia smiles wryly at that.]

I wish they weren't, but they must be doing something right, since there are plenty of us here. There's a barrier encircling this realm which keeps us inside, and no one's been able to breach it. It even dampens our own powers a bit.

[Slightly bitter, there.]


[Action] wears_a_torc May 8 2011, 17:26:05 UTC
Yes someone told be about the Barrier ... It dampens powers? [Well that would explain the spectacular failure his attempt to glide was.]


[Action] eidolon_soul May 8 2011, 17:46:10 UTC
That's right. Your powers are roughly half of what they once were...and anything really powerful might not work at all. Summoning isn't possible, for instance.


Re: [Action] wears_a_torc May 8 2011, 19:41:16 UTC
I can't use magic anyway, but thanks for the warning. There are some skills of mine I'll have to test.

[Knuckles looks around at the buildings they're passing.] This is village is bigger than I expected. Is everyone here from different Zones?


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