066 Facets [Video] - A little piece of home.

Jan 12, 2010 14:21

[The Video turns on to a cactus with pretty pinkish-purple flower buds. It's in in a pot on a rooftop, and the sound of a fire crackling can be heard in the background.]

This, is a Poison Dryalid. It's from the Kohenyu Boneyard. I don't think there are anymore here, but just encase. Here's your warning.

[A pebble is tossed at the plant. It hits, but no where near hard enough to do any harm. Still the flower bud suddenly opens up and sprays brightly coloured pollen into the air.]

That stuff is poison. Breath it in and you will regret it. So unless you want to end up fighting figments of your imagination until you pass out and probably die I suggest you avoid any plants like this.

[Text Edited in later]
This, is a Poison Dryalid. It's from the Kohenyu Boneyard in my world.
The pollen is deadly so if you see anymore plants like this around the city avoid them.

[Locked to Chocobo]
Can I have a word? It's about your memory abilities.

{chocobo@d}, more than just a knucklehead, reminds me of the good old days, guardian, not quite so broken today, !discedo

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