[OOC] timeline Posts 001 - 050. (WIP)

Feb 17, 2009 17:41

001 - Knuckles arrives, everyone thinks he’s Sega!Knuckles and pretty much leave him high and dry to start with.
- - Knuckles is given the 411 by Sega!Sonic

002 - Knuckles eats some of the magically spiked fruit grown by Yorda.
- - Knuckles meets his first human friend Ty Lee trying to figure out what’s causing the visions.

003 - Knuckles asks if Sega!Sonic has been seeing things to determine if it’s the chip, or something else, that’s causing the visions.

004 - Knuckles goes to the High School Roof to escape the visions, it doesn’t work and Sega!Sonic comes to help.
- - Both Knuckles and Ty lee can agree they Never Ever want to go thought that again. Ever.

005 - Aftermath of Vision Fruit plot. Knuckles swears off apples for life and thanks Sonic for his help.
- - Knuckles finds out from Amy why he can’t find his double

006 - Knuckles carries through with his promise to give tails the plans to the Islands shields.

007 - Knuckles asks to meet Sally and Lucca since Tails intends to show them the shield plans.
- - Meeting Sally
- - Meeting Lucca

008 - Knuckles decides that hiding how dangerous the Emeralds could be is a bad idea. And warns Tails about his worlds Super Sonic.
- - This information though, casts doubt on if the emeralds can be trusted to act normally at all if they’re all from different worlds.
- - Scourge finds two Chaos Emeralds, Knuckles warns Sonic not to keep all the emeralds together, and he finally meets the Knuckles that he had been mistaken for when he first arrived.
- - When Ly Lee said wants to 'do something' Knuckles suggests a party, even though he has no idea what people do at parties.

009 - Knuckles sees a pink dragon...no really.
- - And thanks to Tails riddles, he learns about the devices periodic shocks.
- - He also learns a little about Amy‘s world.

010 - Red Emerald Get! However there was an barrel Spider involved, lucky for Knuckles Tails knows how to stitch open wounds.

011 - Part one of the Body Control Chip Event, Knuckles gets a speed boost.

012 - Part Two of the Body Control Chip Event, Knuckles legs become less than reliable.
- - Knuckles learns about the Hunting Brigade.

013 - Knuckles wants to join the Hunting Brigade, and finds out more about Fox Hunting than he ever wanted to know.
- - And if that wasn't disturbing enough apparently WWIII is on the horizon. But not if Ty Lee and the saner part of the population have anything to say about it.

014 - Knuckles adds his voice to the whole WWIII argument.

015 - Knuckles test with the Red Emerald to see if it can effect people like the ones in his world proves inconclusive.
He also tries to get a count of who has the other Emeralds and makes plans for when his chip is removed.

016 - The Time Loop Chip Event, Knuckles is trapped out side the school, his friends and the Emerald are inside.
- - At least Ty Lee and the rest of Knuckles friends aren't hurt, just stuck.
- - On the second day of the time loop, Knuckles finds out from Ty Lee that no one inside the School rememberes the first day. And the Echidna Tails and Amy try to find away out and fail.
- - On day three Tails and Knuckles try tackling the problem a different way.
- - The time loop ends on it’s own on day four.
- - But some people are left confused about the date.

017 - Dream Plot Chip Event, Knuckles gets trapped inside a dream, inside Latimir.
I got my canons mixed up in this thread there were only 7 Sacred Emeralds that were stolen, not 8. (In STC the Master Emerald and the Green Chaos Emerald are one an the same.)

018 - Knuckles tells Amy he found the new leader of he Hunting Brigade, and asks Italy about being a nation in human form.
- - Tails catches a cold, Knuckles and Miss Susan sit on him.

019 - Knuckles gets Zapped for being to quiet for (surprisingly) the first time.

020 - Poncho Get! (item rain.) And the start of a cold
- - Ty Lee get's her Kyoshi warrior outfit which is a surprise to Knuckles who didn't even know she was a warrior.

Knuckles is sent home for about a week Discedo time, but three years pass for him.

021 - Knuckles returns to Discedo, after his murder and resurrection.* Just in time for the city to be invaded by ghosts.
*However he’s not sure if he just dreamt the resurrection or not.
- - And his memories are a little Fuzzy at fist.
- - They quickly come back though, and he finds out from Ty Lee that it doesn't always work like that. Also, ghosts are frigging annoying.

022 - The Ghost plot, Knuckles isn’t bothered by the ghosts, but checks on the graveyard to make sure there isn’t worse out there.
- - Tails is traumatized by the brutal massacre that happened out side the city, and is scared that it could happen to Amy Sonic and Knuckles who were planning to out there to help find the survivors.
- - Knuckles attempt at talking Amy out of going fails miserably.
- - But Sonic Has better luck, of course and manages to do it. Much to Knuckles surprise.

023 - Knuckles keeps his promise to Tails, luckily for all involved Sonic misses the post.

024 - Knuckles asks Scourge about Rosy.
- - Knuckles can't not say anything when he hears someone in distress over the comms, luckly he knows from personal experience that Belldandy had no need to fret herself into a nightmare and tells her so. He's confused a few days later when she almost thanks him by doesn't. Turns out that it's Prussia 's fault.

One cracked Facet - Fourth Wall Event.

025 - Aftermath of the Rosy/knuckles fight.
- - Knuckles, still angry at Tails for taking the unnecessary risk of coming for him after the fight, is even more annoyed when the fox announces Knuckles loss over the Communicators to the whole sonic cast.

026 - Cardcaptors chip Event, Knuckles asks what’s going on and thanks everyone (Except Tails) who helped him after losing to Rosy.
- - Of Belldandy has to get caught by the labyrinth card. Doesn't she?
- - And later Knuckles feels sorry for Tails when he finds out the fox is scared of Thunder, he awkwardly tries to help patching up their friendship in the process.
- - But he still thinks Tails and Amy are talking about him behind his back, since they talk about the other knuckles so much, But he finds more than he bargained for when he decides to check.
- - The morning before he gets Knuckles chip out, he lets Tails borrow the Red Emerald to use with the gate.

027 - Knuckles chip is out and the echidna is suffering the after effects.

028 - After being put on edge by River suffering the effects of her own chip removal, and with his strength still put of control, Knuckles leaves the city for a few days.
- - However Sonic can't leave Brooding sleeping echidna lie and goes after him.
- - While he’s away Tails is infected with Malice.

029 - Knuckles is more than a little freaked at Shadow arriving in the city. Luckily he doesn’t stay long.
Tails starts showing the effects of the Malice plot in the comments.
- - The Malice starts affecting Tails behaviour. Knuckles wrongly thinks it’s the emeralds fault.
- - With more people acting odd and even getting murdered Belldandy offers to let people stay with her if they're scared. Knuckles plays bodyguard for her a few days later when she needs to go looking for supplies, he has to find parts for, what hopefully be Lucca's salution for whatever is affecting Tails and the others.

030 - Knuckles 100th day in Discedo, he decides not to count the days anymore.
- - The affect of Malice on Tails gets worse.
-And Worse as his transformation into a monster creeps ever closer. Desperate to do something to help his friend Knuckles takes the Emeralds and buries them in the schools foundations where the fox can’t get them. The jerk
- - Knuckles tries to convince the Knuckles from Tails world to come help.
- - Rouge arrives, Much to Knuckles dismay, and the down side to being a good guy is that he just can't leaver her hanging dry, as much as he wants to.

031 - Lucca’s soundwave machine is turned on in hopes of stopping the Malice, it backfires and makes everyone sleepy.
- - Sonic, Sally, and Amy vanish, this doesn’t help Tails with his Malice infection at all.
- - Tails Finally Transforms, and fights Knuckles
- - All of the attempts to contain Tails fail, and he’s killed

032 - Malice! Kishin Attack, Knuckles gets OWNED
- - Rouge gets him to the hospital but it's not exactly a pleasant trip.
- - Having been resurrected Tails sneaks into Knuckles hospital room to take his communicator back. Saying Knuckles is pleased to see him is the understatement of the century.

033 - Knuckles tries to leave the hospital, and ends up sleeping on the roof instead. Where Cube almost trips over him, But he leaves the next day anyway.
- - When Belldandy asks 'What gives you hope?' Knuckles doesn't have an answer, but she does accidentally give him the answer to the question of why he can keep going without.
- - And speaking of reasons he keeps going, Knuckles is worried about Tails still guilting over what he couldn’t control. Than himself anyway.

034 - Knuckles makes an enemy out of Dr Washu and tries Italy’s pasta for the first time.
- - However he is making friends, like And then Namikaze Minato. and Cube.
- - Sadly Knuckles good luck couldn't continue as Belldandy dies And he has words with her When she returns.

035 - Knuckles asks about fault lines after the Earthquakes start.
- - He gets the idea to ask while talking to Minato.
- - And when Alyx suggests making a safe house Knuckles decides to help.
- - However, a 'friend' of Cube shows up to help as well, Knuckles is quick to warn Cube about Gateau's location. So he can get somewhere safe. Not that Cube's attempt to hide goes well, So Knuckles offers up his own room as a safe haven.
- - He even manages to get Ty Lee involved when she asks if there's anything she can do.
- - And he continues to get on with Rouge about as well as you'd expect.

036 - Knuckles makes a post telling everyone that the earthquake safehouse is ready.
- - He also asks Tails for help heating the place. The fox and Zoe rather cruelly wake up the Echidna who was been working so hard despite the fact his ribs aren’t totally healed yet.
- - This is also when he first hears of Tails plan to make a substitute seventh Emerald to make up for the missing grey.
- - Belldandy gets into trouble when a friend of her's goes crazy due to a chip removal. He doesn't get to her in time, but everything turns out alright anyway.
- - Rouge meanwhile is looking for the Grey Emerald encase Tails can't make his substitute however Rouge has a little trouble treasure hunting thanks to her chip.
- - Once the Dust Settles Knuckles starts checking up friends over the next work... ... ... Minato was fine, but his son’s leg was broken
- - ...Cube however, wasn’t.

037 - Knuckles gets homesick after talking to Minato, and gets into an argument with Lucca about Washu.
- - He's shocked out of his funk however when Belldandy gets her chip out and reveals that she's a goddess
038 - Ash fall is capable of collasping buildings, so when the safehouse starts creaking Knuckles (and Ty Lee) start cleaning the roof of ash.

039 - Knuckles gets caught in another chip event in Latimir while Delivering Vaccines
- - Shortly after that Cube returns to Discedo after vanishing for a week. And Knuckles learns that he isn't human.

040 - Knuckles thanks Mikey for trying to help, and apologises for wasting his time.
- - Ty Lee is Thankful for the weather report Knuckles, of course, is distrustful.

041 - The Black Butterfly Plot! Knuckles almost gets eaten. Some of the bites on his arm get infected and take weeks to heal.
- - Meanwhile, Cube is looking for a bigger place for himself and his family.
- - When Naruto is sent home for a week Knuckles is surprisingly able to make Minato feel a little better.

042 - Snow get! Knuckles doesn’t see why everyone is moaning.
- - Well maybe catching a cold and having the WORSE FEVER DREAM EVER gives Cube the right to complain...
- - And the poor little demon has to worry about
religious types taking offence at his mere existence to.

043 - The time away from his island and his duty wears on Knuckles again. Of course the communicator won’t let him brood in peace and he gets zapped.
- - And Cube has wonderful timing doesn't he, asking to visit while Knuckles is down in the dumps.

044 - While the rest of the city is forced to relive bad memories, Knuckles lucks out by only bothered by scales.
- - However Cube isn't so lucky.
- - When Minato asks for help with wedding rings, Knuckles offers to help.
- - And while we’re talking about women who want some romance in their lives, Amy returns to Discedo
- - Also Rouge gets her chip out Which is a good thing for the emerald hunt, but still has Knuckles worried.

045 - While looking for some gems or gold for Minato’s wedding bands Knuckles is struck down with a curse that will make him ill with flu like symptoms for a week.
- - Ty Lee unknowingly gets hit with it too.
- - The next day Tails is sent home, Knuckles is quietly devastated.

046 - While still cursed, the communicator transmits Knuckles talking in his sleep.
- - He’d probably sleep better if he didn’t hear explosions over his friend’s frequency.
- - And just why is it that Knuckles friends insist on telling EVERYONE when he’s weak Huh?.
- -Tails Returns to the city, but without his memories Knuckles isn’t sure how to feel about it.
- - At least Cube is staying out of trouble.

047 - Fog rolls in, and Knuckles gets daja vu.
- - But the fog also hides more... Mundane threats too.

048 - Sega!Knuckles is sent home.
- - Knuckles isn’t the only one facing a loss, and Knuckles learns that offering his condolences to Minato for the loss of his wife, while in the middle of the woods, is a bad idea.

049 - Knuckles get's pounced on by Reavers, and would have stayed holed up underground for a while...
- - If a couple of someones didn't insist on interfering.
- - Knuckles goes to cut that gem for Minato, the ninja isn't to pleased to see Knuckles injuries from his time out in the fog.
- - Cube on the other hand is worried because he's getting his chip out in a couple of days.
- - And Belldandy doesn't seem to be very happy about anything.
- - Cube's Chip removal has an unexpected happy side effect for the demon.

050 - Rolling rolling rolling keep those wagons rolling...Knuckles moves out. And Cube treats his infected wrist.
- - Tails is far from happy about it.
- - And when Knuckles tries to do Amy a favour they just start arguing again.

[ooc], [discedo timeline], !discedo

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