045 Facets - [Video: English]

Aug 30, 2009 14:36

[The screen flicks on as the communicator is dropped to show the inside of a shop, the angle is drunken and shows nothing of interest but there’s the sound of fighting happening off screen., suddenly a manikin goes flying onto shot, smacking into the wall and doesn’t get up. The fighting continues off screen for a little while longer.]

[A few ( Read more... )

head trauma?, ill, !discedo, secretive echidna is secretive, monster fight

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loyal_cube August 30 2009, 16:33:26 UTC

Knuckles-san!!! Are you alright?!


[Still Video, Still only showing the ceiling] wears_a_torc August 30 2009, 16:35:37 UTC
Nnnn...What hit me..?


[Video] loyal_cube August 30 2009, 17:10:20 UTC
[Searching the screen for any sign of his friend]

Did something attack you, Knuckles-san? Do you need assistance? Where are you?


[Video] wears_a_torc August 30 2009, 17:17:10 UTC
[Screen clicks on to Knuckles face, he's got a raging headache but he looks okay.]

I thought I heard you.

Something hit me, I have absolutely no idea what...

[He looks around and shrugs.]

Whatever it was it's gone now. So don't worry Cube.


[Video] loyal_cube August 30 2009, 17:22:36 UTC
Knuckles-san is so strong...

[Worrying is his job]
You don't have a... concussion or anything... do you? I could bring over an ice pack or something, if you plan on going home...


Re: [Video] wears_a_torc August 30 2009, 17:26:43 UTC
[He has no idea what to say to that so he pretends he didn't hear it.]

[Worry about him tomorrow when he notices Tails is gone]

No concussion, I've had one of them before...

I wouldn't say no to the ice pack though.


[Video] loyal_cube August 30 2009, 17:48:25 UTC
Is Knuckles-san going home? I'll bring it to him if he is...


[Video] wears_a_torc August 30 2009, 18:00:40 UTC
In a little while yeah, I just want to make sure there isn't something hiding in here waiting to ambush someone else.

Meet you by the High School?

(ooc: Comment Log?)


[Comment Log] loyal_cube August 30 2009, 18:13:21 UTC
[Picking up his basket with the spare icepack inside covered by green fabric, the demon moved swiftly down the city streets, towards the High School. He felt a little jumpy, worried more then usual. Mainly because of his ill friend back at the hospital and his hurt friend outside. Seems like all Discedo does is hurt people he cares about.

He slowed his footing upon approaching the High School, looking around for that familiar bright red Echidna.]



[Comment Log] Poor Cube! wears_a_torc August 30 2009, 18:26:25 UTC
[Knuckles had looked high and low in that shop, and even checked the some of the surrounding buildings, whatever had hit him was long gone.]

[And his headache was getting worse; by the time he reached the high school he was starting to get dizzy. So Cube was a welcome sight. Knuckles hated showing weakness to anyone, but he trusted Cube enough to help him get back to his room without tripping over his own feet.]


[Knuckles winced at his own voice as he shouted. This was getting ridiculous.]


[Comment Log] WHy Poor Cube? POOR KNUCKLES! loyal_cube August 30 2009, 19:13:47 UTC
[Catching Knuckle's voice, Cube spun around and hurried to the echida's side.]

[Noticing his friend's movements, the demon cautiously placed his hand on Knuckles' shoulder]
Lets get inside... I brought you an icepack and something to help you sleep...


[Comment Log] Knuckles would rather be ill himself than have his friends be ill wears_a_torc August 30 2009, 19:23:30 UTC
[Knuckles makes no move to remove the hand. In fact he looks grateful for the fact he didn't have to ask. ]

Thanks Cube.

And sorry...Amy's waiting inside, if I had known I wouldn't have made you come all the way over.

...Help me sleep?


[Comment Log] *o* loyal_cube August 30 2009, 19:35:33 UTC
[Cube wasn't sure who Amy was but he smiled]
You still needed an icepack, right?

[Helping to steer his friend into the school, the demon motioned towards his basket]

I finished the blanket... maybe it'll help you rest?

[Slowly, not trying to rush their pace, Cube looked around at the doors, trying to remember the High School layout]
Amy... I believe you've mentioned her once before... is she's from your world...?


[Comment Log] wears_a_torc August 30 2009, 19:45:30 UTC
Heh, I guess so.

Oh? yeah that's good. [smirks] Nice colour too.

My rooms to the left, opposite the stairs to the second floor. [Knuckles said just encase Cube hadn't been to the High School at all before. But paused looking for Amy.]

There's an Amy at home. This one's different. Like the other Knuckles is different from me.


[Comment Log] hammeroflove August 30 2009, 19:49:48 UTC
[And there Amy was waiting for Knuckles inside. Lucky for her, she spotted the purple hair kid.]

You made it!

[And, judging by Knuckles condition maybe a first aid could would be in handy.]


[Comment Log] wears_a_torc August 30 2009, 19:59:12 UTC
[And Knuckles tries to hide the wince at Amy's voice, and how much Cube's hand was keeping him from leaning to one side.]

[Really what was wrong with him? He was fine before whatever it was knocked him down, and he didn't even hit his head. He had a few scratches from the fight with the manikin but they were barely anything.]

Hey Guardians don't go down easy you know.

[Then remembering that Cube was big on manners, and that he didn't want him or Amy complaining about not being introduced or something Knuckles took it upon himself to introduce them.]

Cube this is Amy.

Amy this is Cube.


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