Time just moves so quickly. I can hardly believe that I'm almost a year away from my graduation from massage school. I don't know if I've mentioned how great this year has been. I've traveled to Miami, Athens and Atlanta. I've worked here and there, both with massage and at Sally again. I'm temping right now and like what I'm doing. I've had a lot of time off and had a lot of fun. I've spent a lot of time talking to the dog during the day and a lot of time procrastinating as well.
I have so many thing to tell you about that I'll probably forget to write about. Lesser events I'd like to write about include the the A-frame Barbie house I found on a trash pile and I'm cleaning up and making awesome, my love affair with the TV show Supernatural, and the fact that I'm teaching myself about Tarot. Bigger things include the Essential Oil Workshop I took over my birthday weekend, my two week trip to Atlanta with Momma and our adventures there, and the fact that Steve and I are adventuring back into cooking at home.
In the meantime, go watch
The Fall. I'm currently quite enraptured by it. We can talk about that later too!
xo K