Nov 19, 2004 15:09
I just got back from ballet, and i had a really off day. i hate that. but you know what i hate even more? THIS MOTHER FUCKING SCHOOL. we didn't win the phattest room in spellman contest, when we clearly should have. honestly? the people here are fucking retarded and bias and gay. our room may have not been the biggest or decorated with expensive CRAP...but we were creative. more creative than anyone EVER. our room is awesome. i can't even handle it. i fucking wanna shoot someone. the winners are probably really bitchy sluts. i kinda wanna go trash their "phat" room now. who the FUCK even says phat anymore??? NO ONE. thats who. except gay fucking retards who think their ghetto or like to use ebonics from the 90's to impress their friends with their worldliness. i fucking am pissed. danielle will be too when she realized how jipped we were. honestly? i haven't been this pissed off in a while. lol. i don't care. our room deserved to win. and we deserved 50 bucks. the winners are probably rich snobs too. i fucking hate their guts right now. skanks. uuugh. anyways. i must go do my laundry. and erin is here. adios amigos,