Welcome to wearethesound - sister of
groovy_graphics, but now featured on livejournal.
WHY CREDIT-FREE? Let's just say it this way: a lot of things on the internet are copyrighted. So are pictures. If I take a picture and turn it into a graphic, actually I violate the law. Now most of the times it’s not that bad. I just take a picture and make it look like something else, or I just add something, it appears I like the picture. But, I should put next to it, who originally took the picture, or made it. And most of the times, I have no idea. So I don’t do that. What do other people do? [Other graphic makers] They take something that was originally made by someone else and customise it and say “ GIMME CREDIT I MADE IT ” Nopes. You should credit someone else. And actually you don’t have the right to change pictures. And by the way, I think that if I take a picture and simply add text, it’s not worth any credit anyway. Who cares, right? Most of the times people don’t give credit anyway. oh and the world is so much more joyful if you get things credit-free, I think. Get the point? Credit asking is useless and if you already violate the copyright law just don’t make it worse ;) heheh.
FIFTY-PERCENT FRIENDS ONLY To keep things organized and in such way that it's fair to me, I have decided to spread things out evenly. So parts of this journal will be open to the public - anyone and everyone - and other parts are for those with a livejournal. Those with a greatestjournal already have the advantage of being able to see everything over at
01 Comment if you take something. Always appreciated. Feedback is nice, sometimes ;) People that don't comment will be haunted. I want to know who I give stuff to.
02 Don’t steal and claim as your own
03 Don’t share in other graphic journals/communities Just tell people to come and ask over here. I always add everyone that respects the rules.
04 Comment to be added and in your comment say "We are the sound - We don't belong." so I know you have read the rules and understand it all. I change this sentence every now and then so I will know when you haven't read the rules.
05 Be nice :]
06 Add me first, and tell me if you have done so.
07 Don’t disobey the rules… or you’re OUT.
08 Forget rule 04 and put "We don't fear we don't fear we don't fear these machines." so I know you read all the rules. Again, this sentence is changed once in a while.
09 Don't flame, bitch, whatever.
10 Enjoy :D
And especially for wearethesound: put this banner in your userinfo if you use anything; your way to give a little appreciation and my way to get more members, to keep this open to the public.
Or you can provide a text link back to