Title: The Package.
Fandom: Eureka
Characters: Joe, Zane.
Prompt: #002. Mystery.
Rating: G
Warnings: Spoilers for season four.
Word Count: 143
Written for
20_FICS It was still there.
It glared at her as she walked into her office the next morning.
She glared back at it.
It wasn't long after she sat down that she conceded to it.
She pulled it towards her,
she felt it through the packaging but it gave her no clues.
She turned it over a few times in her hands, but it gave her nothing.
Slowly, ever so slowly, she opened it.
She looked down at the item in the package,
she blinked.
She blinked again.
What was it?
Perhaps it was a scientific device.
She studied it for the longest time.
As she suspected, it had no name.
No one had signed it.
Whoever it sent it for the moment was a mystery.
She grabbed her coat from behind her, grabbed the object
and left the office in search of Henry.