what's next?

Sep 27, 2011 22:48

for a couple years now, delicious has been my most regular, prolific and public fannish expression - due to a combination of being busier and more focused on other writing, i was rarely posting more than a list of "stories i should write" here on LJ. but i read a ton - new fandoms, new-to-me fandoms, old favorites. and the busier i got, the more i really valued having an easy, efficient way to find and share good stories.

i really handwave most platform/product changes and this is like poking a wound still, like i just caught myself five different times thinking "oh on delicious i have a link for..." and then being SO FUCKING SAD to realize how that's not really all that useful. and especially all the fannish stuff that's not just about tracking my own links - i could use instapaper for that, i guess - but finding the best of the best for any new indulgence or hobby.

here are some more constructive ideas i'm considering, assuming the new delicious doesn't decide to start caring about things like tags that don't work and five years worth of bundles that got eaten:

+ my diigo account - you can add me there if you've been reading my delicious and i'll figure out how to update my imports (i did it in late 2010, apparently) and be sure anything new i can manage to find goes there for now.

+ ex-pat delicious fannish types are gathering here at diigo - seems like a good place at least to regroup and share links short-term.

+ i'm considering pinboard - it doesn't seem to support tag bundles either (but i like how clearly they explain what you can/can't do), fandom-friendly and supposedly better TOS - plus a one-time fee of $10-ish dollars seems reasonable-ish (i assume fandom will raise some kind of scholarship funds if necessary). let me know if you plan to join over there.

please leave other smart ideas in comments - i know fandom (like all media-based anything) is more niche and segmented than it used to be, but i've never known a more resourceful group of folks.

ETA: here's a reason to love the internet again: a google spreadsheet (seems to open anonymously) i found linked on pinboard's twitter where "the great delicious migration" is tracking its own mass movement to new platforms.

ETA2: from comments - in delicious, change the / in a tag to a period in the tag box to return same results - frank.gerard will display your frank/gerard links.

ETA3: very very belatedly (i know it's been 24 hours but a release like this should have been communicated about weeks in advance) delicious has put up a blog to track its fixes/improvements.

help me

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