3 recs for a sleepy saturday

Feb 06, 2010 11:59

three awesome stories my friends have written lately, in three entirely different fandoms:

1. runpunkrun wrote some delightfully perfect dan and casey and dana, just post sports night. and for all the times that's been done it has something fresh in it, especially the kicker at the end. short and not-quite-sweet, but it wants to be: midnight, new jersey.

2. smallbeer has been writing some excellent neal/peter/elizabeth white collar fic, including this latest: "We're gonna need a bigger bed," Elizabeth says to the room at large.

3. gigantic allowed me to shove half an idea she had in robert downey jr's direction, which ended up being the only jonas brother story i ever need to read. in which joe obliviously hits on RDJ, hooks up with indio downey, and has to (in very unexpected and complicated ways) choose between them. no, really, just go read it right fucking now: In The Company Of Glamour Words.
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