i said they won't all be in ficlet format, but since these two at least came to me quickly and like this, here you go.
Violet Newstead from 9 to 5 for raybear
"Paul, can you take a memo?
It's because I'm a lesbian."
Paul rewinds the Dictaphone.
"That should do it, Paul. Please be sure to run it on the new lavender paper stock. Oh, and check to see if Doralee is free for lunch?"
Patrick from Fall Out Boy for fmangel
Patrick sends his in to AbsolutePunk.net,
just like last time he had something serious to say.
Hi everyone. This is the kind of thing people keep saying should be done in person, but I can't tell all of you each in person, even if you deserve it. You deserve a lot from us, even when we're too tired or too busy or acting like we don't remember where we came from. We were just like you, kids at shows waiting to talk to people we thought knew every fucking thing in the world just because they were holding a guitar and shouting into a microphone. I remember seeing a band when I was 13, and I guess looking back now I'd say they weren't even a good band, but it meant the fucking world to me that they talked to me after, that they said I should keep playing and find some friends and start my own band. It meant everything.
It's probably not news to anyone with a television right now that Marcus Rigby was a big Fall Out Boy fan. He was 13, too, and he was gay, and there are people who'd like you to think that because he took our lyrics and left them behind in a note that we did something that contributed to his death. For a long time now there have been people who said our band gives kids the wrong idea about who they can be, about what's acceptable behavior for a teenager.
I'm here to tell you those people are right. They're right because Marcus Rigby looked up to us and listened to our songs and he even came to a show, if you believe everything they say on TV. And whatever else was going on in his life, at school or at home or out in the baseball field where they found him, he apparently made one really big mistake. He thought too highly of us. He trusted us too much to tell him the truth about this world and ourselves and our lives. We told Marcus Rigby that it was okay to joke around about being gay, and to have a crush on your best friend, and to wear eyeliner and stupid pants your parents hate, but we never told him about how sometimes, you get a little older and things get more confusing for a while. Sometimes it's really serious. Sometimes even being 24 doesn't mean you know who you really are, or if you do, you don't really know how to talk about it. We told him it was easier to coast by on popularity than challenge it by being honest, by standing up and saying, I, Patrick Martin Stump, am not as straight as I thought I was.
Because I'm not, and maybe I should have figured that out ten years ago or maybe I did and I just couldn't see it in myself because I was too scared or convincing myself I was too busy. Marcus saw it in himself, and because he was surrounded by people who told him dispicable things about what kind of person that made him, and because the band he thought knew everything in the world knew different and never had the courage to say otherwise, he's not going to get to ever know that it's okay.
It's okay if you're gay. It's okay if you're bi. It's okay if you're not sure what to call how you feel about yourself or other people, or you're scared as hell, or you just don't believe in saying never. It's okay to be who you are, and wherever you believe a kid like Marcus ends up because no one told him that plainly enough while he's alive, I hope he knows we'll never make the same mistake again.
And though you didn't ask for it, the reaction shot.
and people say im supposed to be in charge of the words around here.
sometimes we forget that even tho we can read between the lines that everyone else- and their parents- needs to have shit spelled out. falloutboy is a gay band. someof us are gayer than others. were all in love and waiting until some country legalizes four-same-sex marriage. were not even joking about this- ill let you know when we register so you can buy patrick the stupid handtowels hes always wanting us to buy for the bus.