Cowboys & Angels ficlet

Jan 18, 2007 09:21

ficlet for fmangel, who requested:

Cowboys & Angels. And I will timestamp it right when they get back from their little day of fun. In other words...., threesome sex. Please.

Here you go, honey.

Sasha leaves them alone in the living room while she goes to open a bottle of wine, a carefully casual "No, really, you guys just relax, we've been running around all day" thrown over her shoulder as she disappears.

Lance drops his jacket on the couch because he's planning on staying a while, he's not going anywhere until something happens or just doesn't happen in a definitive way. All day it's been like this, a long slow tease, Sasha's hand tucked in his elbow and David's, hips knocking between theirs as they walk down the street. David's arms spread out wide and high on the back of the booth, fingers brushing the nape of Lance's neck, hand tangled in Sasha's hair.

Lance hasn't been in the middle yet.

He realizes now, as David takes a step closer, reaching up to pull off his sweater and drape it over Lance's coat -- like he's a visitor too, like this isn't his living room, his home court advantage -- that he's been waiting to be asked. It's been a long time since Lance waited to be asked.

"Today was great," David says, low, happy as he reassembles himself. His t-shirt is still snagged on his stomach, tiny blue pieces of wool caught on the cotton. His hair is staticky, sticking up in a hundred directions, and he scrunches his nose up as he shakes it out.

Lance can't hear anything but his own skittering pulse, knows he's probably standing there open-mouthed, wide-eyed, waiting to be kissed. He doesn't have any idea what else he could say to make that happen, just smiles, feels a shaky sigh escape and tries to ignore that last laughing doubt that he's got the wrong idea about what's going to happen here.

David takes a small step forward, all it takes to make their thighs touch, Lance's heel tucked against the back of the couch, David's chest pressing into his. He touches David's waist, fingers finding hot skin in a stripe between shirt and jeans.

Lance tilts his chin up and David smiles before kissing him, soft lips pressing just firmly enough that Lance can't help but open his mouth, can't stop from sliding his hands up David's sides and into his hair. David kisses him patiently, slowly, and Lance digs his nails into David's scalp and bites his lip, just to see what happens.

David laughs, warm and easy and happily surprised, hand set solidly against Lance's lower back, holding him close.

"Hey," Lance hears, and he and David both turn, their cheekbones grazing.

Sasha is flushed, color high on her cheeks, and Lance feels a jolt of guilt, a surge of lust, a twist of affection all in rapid-fire succession. He wants her to go away. He wants her to tell him what to do to David, how to touch him, how to make him come. He wants her to take her shirt off.

She's not even looking at him.

"Sorry," David says, breathy. "I couldn't wait."

(And if anyone here is watching Brothers & Sisters, you just need to know that I about died laughing at how Kevin's new storyline looks, well, a lot like this. Right down to "they're all a little gay.")

popslash, fic

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