Manips, gifs, graphics and such

Jan 13, 2012 17:18

As usual, here are the stuff that I've made since the last time I posted :)
#1 - A really crappy manip made around when the xmas episode was being filmed. The quality is horrible because the original image was a phone picture.

#2 - Set Fire to the Rain.

#3 - Not a particularly good manip and 'Kurt' is too buff. Photoshop hated me that day.

#4 - Let It Snow. The accompanying art I made for eyesarmslove's Chrismukkah fic.

#5 - Originally made for a Chrismukkah fic but it didn't end up being used so...

#6 - TEAM PUCKURT. It took so long just to replace the numbers on the original jersey from the FOX merch website. In case you didn't know, Puck is number 20 and Kurt was number 3 when he was the kicker. [look]

#1 - Puckurt-Salfer collage. This is actually a gif set on tumblr but since you can't use that here, below is one of the frames. Click on it to see the set on my tumblr.

#2 - A follow up of this. Puck keeps his promise of voting for Kurt.

#3 - Kurt needs a little comfort and reassurance after the class president drama.




#4 - We're so close yet so far apart... Will we ever say the words we're feeling? Reach down underneath and tear down all the walls?

#5 - Let It Snow. Part of the 4th manip from the top, turned into a gif.

#1 - Some unicorns marry centaurs. Get over it.

This is a thing started by puckurtsies on tumblr. For some reason, Puck is a centaur... at least when he's with Kurt.

#2 - Dr. Who!Kurt and Companion!Puck. A birthday present for ohhufflepuff.

#3 - Puckurt = Beauty and the Beast.

#4 - Puck and Kurt as Dodger and Oliver from Oliver and Company

gifs, manips, puckurt, graphics

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