Gifs, graphics and an accompanying drabble

Oct 25, 2011 16:39

So, it's been more than a month since I've posted any of my graphics and such here.

#1 - Fix You - Coldplay





#2 - Noah Puckerman has got it bad

#3 - This is me playing 'Let's spot the puckurt'. Nicely placed hands, Puckerman. Nice sweater, Hummel.


#4 - Puck trying to impress Kurt, as always.

Puck: Kurt, Kurt, Kurt, look what I can do. Are you impressed? Kurt? Kurt Kurt?! Look at my guns!!

Kurt: lalala ladida…

#5 - Puck and Kurt's jouney: Enemies - Frenemies - Friends - Lovers

#6 - Message + accompanying drabble

It has halfway through the dress rehearsal for his upcoming Fall Line Fashion Show in NYC that Kurt Hummel’s phone vibrated in his pocket. Forcing himself to tear his eyes away from the models who were strutting down the runway, (relax, nothing will go wrong in the 30 seconds that it takes you to read a text message) Kurt pulled out the device and smiled as Puck’s name flashed on the screen.

Sliding this thumb across the surface to unlock the phone, Kurt’s breathe was suddenly caught in his throat when the message opened.

The photo wasn’t ‘good’ by any professional standards. It was blue-tinted and slightly out of focus but to Kurt, it was the most beautiful photo in the whole world.

He was just about to press reply when the phone vibrated in his hand, signalling another message. This time, it was just three simple words that wiped all the stress of the last two week off of Kurt’s face:

We miss you
#7 - Demon!Kurt - actually part of a gif set made to go accompany ohhufflepuff's ficlet. The whole set is here, if anyone's interested.

#8 - Taking Chances, because it's a very puckurt!song to me.

#1 - It should have been Kurt

#2 - Conveniently switching the boys around. Original screencap here.

#3 - Same thing but just puckurt and in circular form

#4 - Puck's second chances, with Beth and Kurt

#5 - Misc.

#6 - Puck spending his summer earning money and distracting Kurt at Hummel's Tire and Lube

#1 - Sex sharks and baby penguins

#2 - Puckurt from the Glee calendar

#3 - Puckurt-shipper 'stickers'. The same one, just with different texts. Made for tumblr-people to display in their description box.



#4 - Salfer's pro-Puckurt quotes

gifs, manips, puckurt

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