Apr 14, 2006 20:12
How Well Do You Remember High School?
Year: 1999
1. Who was your best friend?
Sherrie' and Mary Catherine, although in 1999 MC was in AL.
2. What sports did you play?
Soccer :D
3. What kind of car did you drive?
Hmmm what month? :X The car I had at the end of highschool was a '97 Honda Accord.
4. It's Friday night, where were you?
At a football game, sweating like a pig if it were hot or freezing like a ice-encased fish if it were cold in a uniform. <- LOL @ Sherrie's answer mine were similar until 1999, I was walking around the track with my arm in a sling at that point
5. Were you a party animal?
Definitely not.
6. Were you in the "In Crowd"?
Fuck the "In Crowd" in the ass. HARD.
7. Ever skip school?
All the time? well usually just a few classes.. ok more than a few, I'd go sit in a study hall with Leith instead of the class I was supposed to be in, whoops.
8. Ever smoke?
9. Were you a nerd?
I'm afraid so.
10. Did you get suspended/expelled?
Almost, but always talked my way into work detail or detention, blech!
11. Can you sing the alma mater?
Umm.. only if our alma mater is "Another Brick in the Wall Pt. 2" ::snicker:: Remember this from Junior Year Spirit week lip sync, sherrie? :X
12. Who was your favorite teacher?
Mrs. Murry and Mrs. Gunn - Mrs. Murry was my study hall teacher from 7th grade to 10th grade - Mrs. Gunn was my Pre-Latin teacher in 8th grade and again in 12th when I took Latin I because I didn't want to take another science or math XD
13. Favorite class?
Nap class.. er I mean Algebra III with Crenshaw/Perron (she got married when we were in like 10th grade) Actually my fave class was probably Psychology until Rev. Haines left >>;
14. Your school's full name?
First Presbyterian <- Ditto Sherrie'
15. School mascot?
Vikings <- ditto Sherrie' again
16. Did you go to Prom?
I had my tonsils out instead. seriously.
17. If you could go back and do it over, would you?
Only a few things.. actually I would like to go back and make the news as the first school shooting - years before columbine. (yes I'm evil.)
18. What do you remember most about graduation?
Ah shit, I'm supposed to remember this? They were lucky I showed up.
19. Favorite memory of your Senior Year?
Going to Disney with the band. <- I somewhat agree, except of course the fact Dan went with us, and that he wouldn't let us stay in the room together with Lea.. ugh. I think my favorite memory of senior year was Off Campus lunch.
20. Were you ever posted up on the senior wall?
What the hell is a senior wall? was that the wall we put up the "Save the Trees, Eat More Beaver" signs? hmmmmm.
21. Did you have a job your senior year?
In the summer, yes - Lifeguard.
22. Who did you date?
Lewis & Josh, oy.
23. Where did you go most often for lunch?
I bought my lunch and ate in the cafeteria with everyone or else went to Hong Kong with Lea, Leith and Kim on whatever day we had free lunch. <- Same, I did enjoy our field trip to Sid's on the last day of off campus lunch, do you remember that? LOL
24. Have you gained weight since then?
Yes, but I lost 25 lbs of it, so I'm back to maybe 10 lbs over what I weighed then.
25. What did you do after graduation?
Honestly, I don't remember.. I know I had to have my car jumped off because I left my lights on ><; I don't think I did anything, I probably just went home. ::shrug::