May 14, 2002 23:02
i figured it out.
numero un: i donot like to call people on the teleyphone.
explanation to statement numero un: you call someone, you know you want to talk. do they want to talk to you? -you dono.) if they wanted to talk to you they would call you. logic: understandable to myself atleast.
(selfish logic, yes, but.. selfish mood. hell-what can i say?)
numero duex: the importance of being around when needed is o so big its disgusting.
the ridiculousness of me never coming out and saying when someone is needed is even worse i suppose.
like a: youre just supposto know. why dont you know?
-i need to tell you how i shaved my legs last night for the first time in nearly 2 months. and how in <3 i am with this piece of artwork that i found in the garbage can in art class today. how funny it was to salvage that. how fun it was to pick it apart, its weak points, and its goodness.
and all the small petty litle things that need to be told right then. right then, or else two days from now they dont matter.
and how when im super quite on the phone, well, sometimes theres a reason.
and its because im so frusterated i could cry, because in the end we're all big childish brats for a minuet or three here and there (because we need to be).
how when i call you on the phone and get ahold of you after 3 days
im so surprised you picked up. i think: hmph, i dont really want to talk to you right now. only because of how much i wanted to talk to you right then i became resentful that you werent there then.
and finally:
how much better i feel now, and im sorry that i had to do it like this, but you had to go, and couldnt be there tonight,and i was also too resentful tonight. and i wouldnt keep you.
im a brat, but i still care, and i try to never forget that the world doesnt revolve around me, no matter what world it is.
and that i think this is for everyone, as much as it is for you, as much as it is for me. because we all feel like this. and maybe not the same exact. and maybe the same-exact. so here we are, and im at an end with the story.