Sep 22, 2006 11:00
omg. a flannel shirt and my trusty navy blue knit hat.
its that time again. its that time again!
for whatever reason im excited today. (large black tea, and large dark roast coffee...)
but for the first time in a while i woke up and felt excited in a happy sort of way instead of a nauseas "oh fuck" sort of way.
and i've been listening to wolf parade and ugly cassanova and not even getting emotional!
today i might even attempt to listen to the lovers. which will be the true test of whether or not i am generally feeling better and ok about things.
i love fall. i just want to go apple picking with all my favorite people that i love more than anyone else. and then you know.
make pie.
fall is always tough. but in a familliar sort of way. i guess the toughness and melancholy it always carries is sort of comforting.
im settling into the routine of things i think.
i miss maine and all that it holds and everyone it homes.
and northampton is sort of burlington in a not so hilly or lake-y way. which you know. makes me just miss burlington.
so basically im homesick for everywhere. but today im feeling okay about this new place im living.
also i think i want to write a thesis on something about new england. im just not sure what yet. suggestions? political resistance, ghosts, cultural ideals, economic hardships and progressions, contra dances, state pride, red sox nation, succession? blueberries, maple syrup, and creamees? what the deal is with connecticut and new hampshire?
did you know during the american revolution and the war of 1812 colonists in vermont and what was soon to be maine fought on the side of the british because they didnt like the way the country was being run and wanted to succeed?
god. i love new england.