→ [ Twelve ]

Sep 27, 2007 00:11


You gave me cursed Mooncakes to give to people! How could you!!




I'm really sorry to anyone who was given a mooncake yesterday from me or Watari... I expect you've all been glowing from them in some shape or form. Really, I'm so sorry for that, I would never have given them out if I knew that was going to happen. The glowing doesn't seem to have effected anyone dangerously though... I hope it hasn't caused too many problems.


...Hisoka really doesn't like the set-up of the household with Mamimi-chan living here, it was something we were talking about last night. I'm not sure what to do to make the situation better. I don't want Hisoka to feel uncomfortable, but I don't want Mamimi-chan's feelings to hurt either.

Hisoka wants to keep an eye on Naota-kun because he's so young, but Hisoka finds Mamimi-chan to be a pervert and he just. I'm not sure what to think on it, I guess really it's none of my business to judge what she is, or what her and Naota-kun do. It's not like she's Muraki or anything

If Mamimi-chan is made to feel like she has to leave I think she'll be sad. Naota-kun seemed so determined have Mamimi-chan stay with us. If she leaves I think he'll go with her, and then we can't keep an eye on them. They're both just kids, even if Mamimi-chan is older than him... I don't like the idea of them living alone now.

I don't want anyone to be sad, but something Ran-chan said has me thinking. How likely is it that we could expand this place? I know it'll most likely cost a lot, but I just want everyone here to be happy and I can't think of what else can be done.

What do you guys think?


Hisoka treated me to desert last night ♥ Ahh~ the festival has made me oddly nostalgic... It reminds me of what happened in Kyoto. I shouldn't think on that, it's supposed to be a happy time. I won't let myself be dragged down. I've been entertaining people since yesterday morning and it's been really wonderful. So much fun and everyone has been so lovely ♥ Ranmaru showed me marimo lanterns... They're really cute...! I feel really bad that some of the people I offered mooncakes to are glowing now though.

Despite how fun and social I've been I think I'm going to get an hour or two to myself and take a walk around the Xanadu area before heading back to the festival again. It's been so much fun. I don't really want it to end in a way, but at the same time I want to see the sun again.

[ooc; Soooo yeah, he'll be wandering around, possibly end up near the Koukakurou... But he's scared of Oryia and will mostly avoid He's pretending he didn't see the almost invitation. He thinks Oriya's gone mad or that HE'S going mad, one of the two XD;; Strikes are mostly private but hackable if wanted~ Anyone wanting to plot a log around that area, let me know~? ♪ Cheeful Ghostie is cheerful, clearly ♥ ]

comment log, ran, mamimi, naota, tatsumi, ranmaru, muraki, household, watari, hisoka, festival fun times

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