Nov 25, 2003 22:35
Miracle Jar: ben
Miracle Jar: what do you fear most and whose?
BHP007: and whose?
Miracle Jar: exactly
BHP007: I would say deep down inside, rejection but only from those who are close to me or those I aspire to be close with
Miracle Jar: now in some circles you've been labled a scenester, how do you think joe feels?
BHP007: I think joe doesn't believe in scenesters and thinks that scene should definately not be an adjective
Miracle Jar: next, how funny can you spell the word therapist
BHP007: the rap is T
Miracle Jar: ok
Miracle Jar: i honestly would've said vey, but if that's what you wish
Miracle Jar: ok, now an intresting one, in three diffrent categories, happy, sad, and detached, pick your favorite lyricists
Miracle Jar: who made an album in 1995
BHP007: no specific catagory: Rob from Braid, River Cuomo of weezer) and Jeremy Engik.
Miracle Jar: ok, now which is which
Miracle Jar: happy, sad detached
BHP007: Rob is happy, Rivers is sad-ish and Jeremy is definately detatched
Miracle Jar: ok
BHP007: that is impossible. I have never catalogged my music chronologicly enough to answer the question concerning '95
Miracle Jar: right
Miracle Jar: that's why it's funny to me
Miracle Jar: but your answer has been accepted by panal of judges
BHP007: okay then
Miracle Jar: who also say my spelling is off
BHP007: I wouldn't know the difference
BHP007: my spelling is inferior
Miracle Jar: next question
Miracle Jar: umm, gays in the military, limp wrist = iron fist, or rainbows clash w/ red white and blue
Miracle Jar: and in the form of a question please
BHP007: What is I see absolutely no problem with gays in the military.
BHP007: ?
Miracle Jar: wait, what is is unnacceptable, I'm not trebeck
BHP007: lol
Miracle Jar: seriosly though
BHP007: I see absolutely no problem with gays in the military?
Miracle Jar: very good
Miracle Jar: uhhh
Miracle Jar: ok
Miracle Jar: see and say time the limbaugh says.....
Miracle Jar: well c'mon ben
BHP007: ???
BHP007: say what?
Miracle Jar: ok
Miracle Jar: the cow says moooo
Miracle Jar: the duck says quack
BHP007: so does the limbaugh
Miracle Jar: we have our first answer
Miracle Jar: the cappy says....
BHP007: I like beer and being oneof guys...but only when I'm being "social"
BHP007: one of the *
Miracle Jar: this is getting posted
BHP007: hey, that's your opinion. I'm saying it to amuse you
Miracle Jar: well it's true, but now's the time to voice yours
BHP007: right
Miracle Jar: hence interview
Miracle Jar: but, yeah it was funny
BHP007: in that case the cappy says...talking to rachel? (as copied from his open IM)
Miracle Jar: very nice
Miracle Jar: the Joe says
BHP007: no your awesome ben (as of lately)
Miracle Jar: ok, most loved saying of late that's older then you by at least a generation
Miracle Jar: so 60's or older
BHP007: Ya Darn Tootin'
Miracle Jar: favorite song written by someone you've had >3 conversations with
BHP007: Home is Where you hang Yourself by Her Space Holiday. I spoke to Mark Bianci
Miracle Jar: at least 4 times?
BHP007: yes
BHP007: multiple emails
Miracle Jar: ok
Miracle Jar: err, with your dying breath you can remedy any wrong or injustice, however minute, or expansive, what would you do and why
BHP007: you guys, I would make right any of the expectation that I didn't live up to, especially my own, and that's where babies come from.
Miracle Jar: ok
Miracle Jar: what should the national anthem be?
BHP007: Oh Canada sung in Russian with the third verse in Germanic Old english as translated from the footnotes of Beowulf
Miracle Jar: actually very fitting, what would you rename it?
BHP007: I think it should still be called the national anthem, being that the title is mostly ambiguous
Miracle Jar: and if you could be any where doing anything to anyone would it be legal
BHP007: I think it would be legal
BHP007: ...unless we're discussing the laws of physics
Miracle Jar: ok
Miracle Jar: do i look cuter in my coveralls with the firemen patches, or that striped shirt i wear with my jean shorts
BHP007: I kind of like the striped shirt and jean shorts
Miracle Jar: very well then
BHP007: will you be wearing that tomorrow?
Miracle Jar: hey hey buddy i ask the questions round here
Miracle Jar: but no
Miracle Jar: prolly not
Miracle Jar: what is the meaning of life you have 30 seconds to answer
BHP007: ok
Miracle Jar: 15
Miracle Jar: 14
Miracle Jar: 13
Miracle Jar: 12
Miracle Jar: 7
Miracle Jar: 6
BHP007: love
Miracle Jar: ok
so that was part one, Ben sure is a though interview eh kids. ok check back, until then, it's not worth it, kill yourself