[So, perhaps a certain Autobot shouldn't have cobbled together his phone contraption. It would have made this phone call infinitely harder to do, if he didn't actually have a way to do it.]
[While he sounds decidedly upset to be revealing this, he doesn't seem to be able to stop himself, either.]... On November 17th, 2008, I landed on Earth. And
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Well that's just fuckin' great.
[He sounds like he's trying to control his anger at hearing this, but the truth serum is making it hard to hold his tongue.]
Yeah, in a way, you're pretty damn close. It's one thing if it's an accident, if it was miscommunication, but if you knew and really didn't care, you didn't give a damn about how many uninvolved people died, you were stoopin' to his level.
You were actin' like'a Bane.
I care now. You don't think I don't regret what happened? Because I do. I regret it every damned day.
... I don't know what you're talking about.
[It's actually the truth serum making him this ornery and outspoken.]
A year before you arrived-where I'm from at least-an alien superpower steamrolled Earth. I don't think we ever had a chance. We were outgunned and outnumbered.
I only survived it 'cause I happened to have the right genes for usin'a one power that could stand up to those fuckers. None of my friends or family did. They were all left to die. There's nights I can't sleep 'cause I keep thinkin' about 'em, hearing'em beg to be spared.
There's only, I dunno, maybe one percent of humans left alive where I'm from. Maybe less. I don't know'a numbers. And we're all on other planets, fighting the Bane. We've been working alongside other races in'a same boat.
The Bane slaughtered my friends, my family, damn near everyone on my planet-but I never once thought that made it okay to plow through any Brann or Forean between me an' Crusty.
... If that's your thoughts, then, no. You don't know anything about what happened. And I don't expect you to. You, or any other human.
I don't even expect Jolt to understand. And I love him.
What'd that Decepticon or whatever you called it do to you and your people the Bane haven't done to mine?
You weren't their protector, you were just some lucky survivor.
Okay, you got me there. If none of that shit happened, I'd be mining salt in Utah like I wanted.
[He has no idea why he's talking so freely about his past to someone with whom he's not even shared introductions.]
Okay. I guess it's enough that you care now about what you did back then. But you don't think I've been just as pissed? We never did nothin' to'a Bane. They wanted us dead just because we existed.
[Sideswipe is sort of... past trying to understand anything in Mayfield, these days.]
The Decepticons are the same. We're inconvenient, if we didn't fight, we'd be dead. If you had been charged with protecting the innocent... you'd have wanted revenge just as badly.
Would I feel different if I were a police officer or soldier? Maybe. I can't speak for anyone else in the AFS, but I know a lotta people who were either or both from one country or another, back home. Some of 'em are Receptives, too.
... I don't know what that means.
You don't know what-oh, Receptives.
[Go Stage 4-induced infodump!]
Logos Receptives're humans who're genetically capable of receiving Logos information from'a Eloh-they're the alien race that invented-or maybe I should say discovered-Logos.
And Logos is the system that allows a sentient mind to directly affect reality. Since I got trained as a Demolitionist I can do shit like shoot lighting, create gravity wells, or nuke things with my bare hands. ... Well, I could if Mayfield didn't check my stuff at'a door.
Right. Of course you can.
... 'Kay, if explosions are for old timers, then what's your concept'a style? 'Cause I find explosions to be pretty awesome. And I ain't that old.
A good blade and a fast set of wheels are far more effective, I find.
I'm more about crowd control an' takin' down hardened targets.
Besides, I never got my driver's license before Earth fell.
I don't need a driver's license.
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