Ah--! More people again?!
...oh, wait... they're all still here from yesterday, aren't they.
It's the same as several months ago, too...
[A pause as he seems to be thinking of something.]
Hey... if there's anyone here from my world, you're more than welcome to stop by and say 'hi'. I'd like that...
...especially you, Kohaku. Hisui, too, if you're out
Read more... )
[OOC: Eagle from Magic Knight Rayearth and fairly recent new arrival to the ‘City’ on a mission to find out just where the other denizens of the ‘City’ came from originally. ]
[lol, hi Eagle. Good job confusing Shing there.]
Well... it's another world altogether, really.
Anyway, pushing that aside, Eagle gets back to business. ]
What is your world called? And for that matter… may I ask your name?
It's called Celirand. And my name's Shing! What's yours?
My name is Eagle Vision. I come from the planet Autozam.
[That's putting it mildly. lol]
Nice to meet you, Eagle!
Shing would also be considered a ‘unique name’ where I come from.
It is been a pleasure to meet you as well.
[And yes, that IS his real name. THANKS BAMCO :|]
Anyway, did you just arrive here?
I have been in the ‘City’ for a little while now… Since the late part of ‘June’.
[June is in ‘ …’ because these Earth calendar-based months are still a bit new to Eagle. ]
How long have you been here?
[Shing pauses to think for a moment.]
Um... I've been here for about seven to eight months now, I think.
[There is no way Eagle will be here this long… At least that is what he believes.]
[Shing sighs.]
Hopefully you don't have to stay here that long. It can be lonely if no one you know is here with you.
I do know some of the people here… I suppose in that at least, I am lucky.
But, yourself? No one you know is here?
[That is what is sounds like... ]
[ Poor guy. D: ]
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