Dec 04, 2006 18:43
Ok, Ok, I'll admit, last Friday was a bit awkward. I went to a sorority formal with my girlfriend Katy since go figure she's in a sorority that's why we were was a bit weird. It was a bit fancier that what I'm used too. My dress wasn't innapropriate since there were others in the same type of attire as me, but it was just the feeling of being there...I don't know. Now there's all this stuff about going to Florida for Spring Break and while at first it sounded like a great idea now it comes around to hit me, my guilt. Let me start with a story instead...when I was little, my parents took me to the beach. I escape the clutches of my mom and dove headfirst into the lake. Well...I came out crying and never have really been to fond of the water ever since my diving head first into it but that's not the point. I'm trying to make an analogy here or something like that. I dive head first without looking at my surroundings a lot of the time and here's one of those places.
I feel like a moocher. Basically, her aunt wants to brings us both down to Floriday for Spring Break. At first she was going to pay for everything and we were thinking about going to Disney and stuff and then to Universal Studious Islands of Adventure. Sounds like a pretty sweet Spring Vacation, but...I feel like I'm taking/would be over stepping my boundaries on the whole, "Your family pays for everything and I just come down to Florida to sit on my butt and watch tv..." Maybe I'm just too involved with Katy...I'm not sure. First there was the meeting of every single person in the family and from what I understand there's several more. Does anyone outside of two people engaged actually have to go through this much trial? I'm not engaged by no means...but it seems like it's too much at some times. Now there's this huge trip to Florida that I wouldn't have to pay just feels like I would be mooching a lot of money and not only that but also getting way more involved in a relationship than I would probably like to be at this stage in life. It's one thing to talk about the future and there are smaller steps to take most definitely in a relationship that are safer...but borrowing money...that's just like a huge hanging mistletoe of guilt above my head that I'm not sure would be cool at all to live with.
In all honesty, I can't remember this past Saturday at all. It's kind of weird and it's kind of creepy that I can remember nothing significant from it oh wait...that's right. I went to the Broncos basketball game and the Broncos hockey game. The basketball game was alright, the hockey game was badass. After that me and a huge group of people went to Rocketstar Cafe and I lost at Battleship but I played a good 15 minutes of Monopoly. After that we went back to one of the dorms and we all made out and had a really good time or if memory serves me correct we went back to the dorms and we played Mafia and Catchphrase until about 3 in the morning. I'll go with the make out session, that seems like it would be pretty sweet, as long as it wasn't on some Asian slave trading ship heading to Jamaica that ended up just landing on a zombie infested island 2 miles east of Jamaica. Those crazy Asians.
Sunday was cool. Sunday was very cool. Sort of. No ok, it was awesome. Sunday started with me waking up at noon. My dad called so I called him and there's money waiting for me at the bank. Wooh! So I hop online and I end up finding a ton of stuff I've been wanting to download so bam! got that all going. Then Nathan came over with my movies which was awesome and we went out to lunch and then came back to my dorm. Then Logan came over and brought me my birthday present, a PS2 controller! He didn't know my birthday wasn't until next week but still I thanked him for the controller it works perfectly. The only problem with Sunday was I was supposed to be writing a paper. Well, Nathan decides to invite a ton of people over for various reasons. I scored my coat from Roxanne, wooh! Then Logan cut my hair, I went sledding outside, watched Monty Python and the Holy Grail, beat the living piss out of Prince of Persia 2 and called it a night...oh, and I got 2 pages of a 6 page paper done.
Today has been good so far, it's Monday of course. I update this thing every Monday. I got to my Literary Interp. class and my professor says...-drum roll- please..."the paper isn't due until Wednesday, we just need a rough draft today!" Wooh!
Now for the serious part of this entire journal entry. Today, we mourn the loss of a friend. A partner in crime. The cream cheese to my cake. The cherry on my Sunday. They have witnessed me kick ass 27 different ways and even shared in some of the glory. Yes, today we mourn the loss of my dear PS2 memory card. Wherever you are my friend, I hope you are in good hands. You hold my completed save data for God of War, Guitar Hero, Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, 007: Agent Under Fire. You also hold partial data of Final Fantasy XIII, The Punisher, Mercenaries, Star Wars Battlefront II profiles, Pitfall: The Lost Expedition, Burnout 3 Takedown at 63%, Prince of Persia 2, and my nearly completed, 98% Ratchet and Clank save game file. Wherever you are my sweet, sweet memory card. This day will not be forgotten. It is the day I have lost one of my sweetest and dearest friends. Good bye memory card.