Dorm life and smooches.

Sep 02, 2006 21:09

Move in went exceptionally well. We got in to the room in record time and packed everything in here in about an hour. Which was cool. The Bronco Buddies that were supposed to help you carry your shit in, yeah, fucking useless is what they were. They wanted to take my cart of stuff up a floor on the elevator when we had to go up 8 steps. Fucking weak is what they were too. It took two of them to lift up a side whereas it took one of me to lift up a side. Oh well, proves I'm a bit muscular I guess. Me and my Herculean guns. Well...maybe not that cool.
After we unpacked and packed the room and repacked the car with empty boxes, we made our way to the Bronco Mall where we proceeded to buy books me and my mother. It was pretty cool. I have all of my books except for a fee card and an optional, "how to write" book. I'll wait until I really need them. Books ended up costing near 300 bucks. Damn freshman took all the used books for my classes so I was stuck getting new books...every single one.
Once the books were bought, we headed to Bigelow Hall where we ate lunch in the cafe and we even caught up with Logan who told us all sorts of cool things he did while at the Philmont Scout camp in New Mexico. He was a park ranger who taught kids how to survive in the wilderness, then he took them a few miles out, hiked back alone and let the kids make their way back to the camp. It was pretty interesting learning about everything. We also learned that Ted Turner has more land ownage in New Mexico than the people or the governement. This man needs to take his money and spray paint the moon. How cool would that be. Technically impossible...but with all of that money he's got he could totally invent some new type of spray paint.
Well, the first day was cool. Spent time in the room. Cleaned some of the stains off the wall, rearranged the furniture, played videogames, and Logan and Katie came over and spent the night. Which brings me to my next topic.
Katie. Katie is pretty cool. She's a friend of Sarah S. that came down from Jackson to spend the night before. We hit it off before really well and last night and today was no exception. She's really cool. The big problem is though, I'm not looking to commit right away to anything. I just kinda' want to date around right now. I would have totally dated Rachel on the spot...but seeing as how she's going back out with Jaryn, I just don't feel like commiting to someone right now. Which brings me to my definition of like and love. Love, is something sacred that should be shared between two people that put time into one another and actually make a relationship work instead of taking it very care free. Sure, relationsihps aren't supposed to kill you or anything I mean unless you start dating a serial killer, but, they should take some work to make them right. Like is basically care free. Both of you had lives before each other and both of you have lives after one another. In time, maybe it can grow into something more than like but, you can always check others out, be open. Now if you're in a relationship that's not cool, but it should still be pretty care free because hey, you're not married.
Well, I got to make a phone call and I've got to look up a strategy guide for this one monster in Shadow of the Colossus. Peace out until...some other time?
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