Naruto Manga Tutorial for Photoshop CS2

Jun 25, 2006 12:50

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Tutorial for PS CS2, probably translatable

First, we take this image (not the whole picture, I'm not wasting my bandwidth for the before pics), and I did The Image Mode and background erasing techinques I explain a bit more detailed here because why would I want to type all that out again.

Lovely and clean now. Now, I don't really like "boring" cropping so I wanted to mix it up a bit, so I merged all the layers together then I Right-Clicked on the Layer in the Layer Palette and selected "Layer from Background". Now, it's free to be rotated with the Rotate Tool (Edit>Transform>Rotate). I then rotated it til I got this.

the settings

And now we crop it. I cropped mine like this.

Next, I applied a texture by damnicons and set it to Multiply 100%.

I didn't like how it was going along the side, so I rotated it clock-wise (Edit>Transform>Rotate 90 CW).

Since I never really like the icons like that since they look flat, I did yet another technique you can find in more detail in this post where you cut the subject out and paste it on top.

I wanted to add some different colours to it, so I add a texture by 77words and set it Multiply Fill Opacity 28% (regular opacity left at 100%).

I still wanted some more greens and browns in it, so I took another texture by 77words and set it to Colour Burn 100%.

Now Naruto is kinda washed out, and I wanted to bring him back, so I went to the manga layer with the background cut out, duplicated the layer, brought it to the top and set it to Normal %40.

This icon in paticular was made for the "Sightless and Speechless" challenge at naruto_lims, so I had to get rid of the eyes. I like that trendy thing where you put a box over the eyes of the subject, so I did that. I used my Polygonal Lasso Tool to do this.

I made a new layer, then I made a screwed up rectangluar sort of shape over his eyes, and I filled the selection in with black.

Then I added a 8px white border and I was done.

Original - Tutorial


Not bad.

If it helps, comment!


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