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Jan 12, 2007 14:25

and so i'm sitting at home with nothing to do, no work, and no ride to dodgeball. i figured i'll just write some shit in here for awhile. what a waste of a day off...

so i've been coming across a few movies. first up was high school musical, very cheesy. next was the last kiss, not too bad. i like it for the most part. i think it was well done, but other like to disagree. then it was the godfather. everyone says it's like the moive every man needs to watch. i don't know why, cause it's not that great of a movie. ok, sure, there's blood here and there. it's a mafia movie, or mob, i think it's mafia. i don't know. anyway, it's not the best movie out there, but it'a all right. next was the covenant. i liked that movie. it's fun. some might think it's scary...*cough* karen *cough*...but it's not. there's some suspense scenes, but hey, it's all in the fun. it's just a movie about a few teens and their witch craft. ok, that sounds lame, but stfu, i like it. the last one i've seen is saw 1. that's an ok movie to me. it's not horrible, it's not great. at least i've seen it now. um...i'm coming across the shawshank redemption right now. i've seen parts of it. and it's a nice movie i suppose. it's got what i like, i guess. haha. a guy movie for sure...but yea. so i'll be seeing that soon. actually, in about 30 or so. we'll see what comes after. any more must see movies out there, let me know. if not, i'll just go look for old favorites. till next time...which may be monday since that's my next day off if no one calls in. later.
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