English 11 Application Essay

Jul 06, 2008 00:13


My English professor let me read this out loud in class when he returned my essay. He said I'm a superhero (haha). A lot were laughing.
WARNING: Exaggerated information will be read. Do not believe everything. :)

If you think Elastic Girl of The Incredibles is flexible enough -- think again. I have pledged the Elasticity Oath of the Flexibles and curently top of the class. I am THE Master.

I can bend my fingers to make soothing music -- or better yet, noise! The piano is but a mere slave to me. Seriously, it can follow my lead! Now, isn't that amazing? But that's not all; as they say in TV shows selling cosmetics, "But wait! There's more!"

Dancing is a passion. I can flex and bop to any move I wish. And depending on the energy level I posses, I can make the dance floor change to the desired texture and mood of the dance. And blieve it or not, I can dance even in my sleep! So who said sleeping is when your body is at rest and relaxed? But if you must insist, then I shall define my rest and relaxation as dancing in my sleep. And since I'm more relaxed at that point, I might as well sleep all the time, right? This is the very reason why studying of making homeworks the night before it's due is a sin. But since I'm a sloth, which is yet another sin, I do not study in advance. Well, who does? So here comes yet another call of flexibility: CRAMMING.

Cramming is definitely not a torture. It's not despicable. It's awesome. If you haven't seen its beauty, let me give you a picture of it: PARADISE -- a place where you can do multitasking at an amazingly short time! And my dearest reader, that is how flexible I am.

And I believe, that is just what I need for this subject. Besides, I do dream and believe to survive -- merging reality and fantasy: flexibility.

Sir Miggy's comment:
I hope you're flexible enough to survive my inflexibility. Just kidding. Flexibility is a virtue.

This was originally posted in my multiply/blogger. :)

english 11 application essay

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