Jul 01, 2006 20:41
Rats deserting a sinking ship. Their little whiskers twitch; the smell of smoke. It rises. Fire in the engine room.
We could do this the easy way, but let's do it the hard way. (I like it the hard way.) Run for the exits (the clearly marked exits). Little rat feet. Little nails scratch. Skin breaks (weak skin).
They carry disease. The word spreads.
The bullet holes are for speed.
They bail out. They look after their own.
I am no rat.
I swear I never wanted to be (cuss up a storm). That's what it takes to swim (I'll sink, thanks) (boots first). I go down. (When down is up). Down is up now. Now is now.
I've watched them scurry, and I did not. Fuck them, then. Fuck you all.
Have your precious life, for what it's worth (nothing). It'll be over soon enough.
This is your captain, speaking.