How I Met Your Father -The Ending

Dec 02, 2006 02:04

How i met your Father Part 4
by Mia
All disclamers Apply

So i just found out that My Chemical ROmance is going to headlining the first night of the bamboozle. Wich means that i will be mater what. So what i have moved further away from it. Im gunna make the freeking 10 hour drive when last year for HIM it was only 3 hours away then. Also im going to see The 69 Eyes and Cradle Of Filth in Febuary. I cant wait for either of only for HIM to comeback to the states...

THe next three days could very well turn out to be the very best days of my life...well next to when you were born.I spent all those days teasing and seducing of Bam till he couldent take it anymore (he often had to run away and pleasure himself), But still he dosent realize that im totaly doing this on purpose. I realy do love Bam with everything i have but hes an idiot sometimes.Im nearly at my wits end with all this teasing though. SOmethime i just wana tear his clothes off and have my dirty way with him...but alas i can not. All I do all day long is tease, tease, tease. Infront of his friends.
Infront of his family and yet still no responce. I tryed to sashay and to be a little more touchy fealy and nothing. More kisses and nothing. What does it take to get throught this numbskuls head that I want him too.

But I am fealing friskey tonight.

"Hey Bam" I say as i sit directly in his lap. The poor guy looks like his eyes are about to pop outa his head right now.

"Ummm..Hey Ville" he mutters in responce.

Ok time for my plan in action. Im sure its going to work. Im looking good (Imagine tight low riding jeans, no shirt and a tootsie pop...not that im concetied of anything, just honest) and hes definatly knoticed by the way hes looking at me.

Bam quickley look somewhere else though even with me right infront of his face. So what do i do in responce. Well i jsut shift my happy ass around so that im strateling his hips, rub all against him at the same time and jesus do i get a instanious reaction in a certian regon. Smiles for me.

"So what do we have here" I say in my most nonshalant tone of voice And then too obviously my hand goes right down his pan...

Well lets just say that we had fun that night for the sake of sparing you the most gory of detailes hun. Just know this. Nearly 30 years later and we are still togeather and i had you to boot. I love my nidiot.


" So thats realy how you and papa got togeather" Anna said

"Gods honest truth..for the most part. There are alot of things from before that Bam probly wouldent want you to know" i said

"Realy like what. I doubt that theres not anything that i couldent find on the internet. You know..Live Journal has everything...."

The End

So, Coments anyone. I know that there are a lot of mistakes in gramer and spalling but i have no beta and im two days behind where i said i would be. A bit longer of a sequel might be in order about them becoming parents...that is if ADD is cureable, but that is about as fucking likely as vam on live tv.
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