(no subject)

Feb 16, 2011 00:42

Title: Outside Heaven's Door [P+21/???]
Author: weallfadeaway
Pairing: Frank/Gerard, Mikey/Gerard, Frank/Mikey, Mikey/Bob, Mikey/Pete, Mikey/Alicia, Alicia/Mikey/Pete, mentions of past Frank/OFC
Rating: This CH is NC-17.
Warning: Adult Language. Adult Themes and Situations. ADULT CONTENT.
Disclaimer: I do not know any one in this story.
Summary: To be finally happy again, without thinking of the path that led us here. Sure, there was still a while to go before wounds had healed, but I knew just from the look on his face that everything was okay right now. And right now was all that mattered. He's my everything. My angel. And looking into his eyes, I can tell he's Frankie again.
Author's Note: I <3 Frank.


[Gerard's POV]
I kicked off my shoes, sitting on the bed next to him. He smiled up at me, sweetly, and I couldn't resist leaning down and tasting his lips, drinking in everything about this moment. To be finally happy again, without thinking of the path that led us here. Sure, there was still a while to go before wounds had healed, but I knew just from the look on his face that everything was okay right now. And right now was all that mattered. He's my everything. My angel. And looking into his eyes, I can tell he's Frankie again. No more fear, just pure untainted love shone through, as he looked up to me, wantonly.

His tongue darted out to wet his lips, as I pushed my jacket off my shoulders. His breathing was quickening by the moment, as his gaze fell slowly to my mouth. I complied with his silent request, kissing him again, this time taking it further, slipping my tongue out to wet his lips, just like he had done. He accepted right away, craning his head to the side as much he could to give me better access.

I mumbled against him, "Has it been five minutes yet?"

He looked over to his nightstand and nodded, kissing me again. I could hear his hands struggling against the cuffs, wanting desperately to grab onto me as my tongue made it's way back into his mouth again.

He moaned, pulling back. "You do realize that I can't help you get naked, right?"

"Patience, Cutie. We have all the time in the world." I smiled, kissing him again.

I shrugged off my outer-shirt, slowly running my hand from his waist up to his chest, and around to cup his neck, as I placed soft kisses on his jaw and neck. He groaned, hips bucking up off the bed, and I could see he was becoming hard already.

I moved to straddle him, feeling him grow against my thigh. I bit down hard into his neck, the taste of blood peeking through the salty, sweaty Frank taste that was invading my mouth. One taste I never wanted to get rid of.

I pulsed my clothed erection into his naked one, earning a loud moan and another rattle of chains. I kissed up to his ear, whispering, "Love the cuff idea, but I want your hands on me now. Where's the key?"

He bit his lip, before replying, "In the desk drawer. Hurry."

I stood, peeling off my shirt, as I made my way to his dresser. I opened the first drawer and found them in his hiding spot. I quickly made my way back to the bed, and unlocked his wrists, gently. He put them down, rubbing at his sore shoulders.

"How long were you cuffed there?" I asked.

"The last half hour." he smiled. "I wanted to make sure everything would be ready by the time you got here. No interruptions."

I laughed slightly, sitting back down on the bed, and leaning down to kiss him tenderly. "I love you, you know."

"You'd better." he smiled, "And I love you too."

I smiled, in return, and said, "You'd better."

[Pete's POV]

Finally, we had made it to Belleville. And soon, we'd have our Mikey back.

So far, the only plan Alicia and I have come up with is to go back to her house so we can use the bathroom, then we have no idea. I mean, finding Mikey in this town shouldn't be too hard. Just search for the sexiest motherfucker within a fifty mile radius. But... it was a bigger town than I thought.

Thank god for technology.

I pulled out my phone, quickly telling Mikey that we were in town and looking for him. Now, to just sit and wait for a reply.

My phone buzzed in my pocket, blaring out Madonna's "Like a Virgin". Alicia gave me a funny look before I mouthed, 'Patrick' to her, and she nodded her head in understanding.

"So, where are you?" he asked, before I could even say 'hello'.

"We just got into town."

"Great! So did I."

I think I could feel my eyes bugging out of my head. "That's not possible, Trick. Unless you were a superhero. Oh my god! You are a superhero! Why didn't you tell me? I could have been your faithful sidekick! Stump-man and The Wentz!"

"Peter, the only thing you've ever been faithful to is your hair gel." he said.

"Ooh, snap. Score one for the Stump-Man. What exactly are your powers as Stump-Man?"

"Well, I have the ability to become invisible, so you won't see me coming when I kick your ass!" he replied, angrily.

"Not to mention, you could sneak into locker rooms!" I replied, and he groaned in frustration.

"Listen, Peter... I got a friend of mine to hook me up with airline tickets to Newark. I'm on my way to Belleville now. Where the hell are you?"

"I'm with me and Mikey's girlfriend. At her place." I replied, earning another groan. I turned and asked Alicia the address, finally giving up on my game of 'Kick the Trick', and giving him the directions he needed.

Alicia called out, "Hey!"


"Mikey just texted me back. Said he couldn't reply to you, for some reason. But he said to
meet him at the mall in one hour."

"You hear that, Trick? The Belleville mall. One hour. Be there, or be square!"

He scoffed, "I'm not a square!"

"Okay, fine. You're not a square. You're a rectangle."

"I hate you, Pete."

"Love you too, sweetie. See you soon!"

[Mikey's POV]

Bob and I decided to go get some burgers. We were sitting on the hood of his car, in the parking lot of the little restaurant we went to, watching all the people and cars as they passed us. We didn't talk much, unless it was him pointing out someone leaving the restaurant with stains all over the front of their shirt, or to point out a drug deal and explain exactly what they were doing wrong and how he'd be more discreet.

My phone buzzed in my pocket.

Did you find Patrick his dream boy? We're in town. :D

I couldn't help the smile that came to my face. They were really that crazy. I mean, I expected Alicia to come back here. She lived here, after all. But I honestly wasn't sure whether to really believe that he was coming too. I don't know... I guess I've just been let down so many times before that people actually sticking to their word had never even crossed my mind. I was used to disappointment, not... whatever the hell this was.

I replied quickly, telling him exactly where to meet me. He replied back with a wink, and I knew that today was going to be a good day. Now, to just explain it to Gerard. That is, if I got to see Gee before I left. I'm sure he and Frankie will be busy all night long.

So, should I stay in town to wait to say goodbye to my brother? Or forget everything about my old life and move on?

[Frankie's POV]

Gerard moved back toward me, dangling the ring of keys off of his index finger, teasingly. He smirked, as he reached the bed, moving to straddle me again. He gave me tiny kisses up my jaw before whispering in my ear, "How bad do you want to touch me?"

I groaned, feeling the strain of the cuffs against my already raw wrists as I pulled, trying to free myself from them. He smiled, again, pulsing his hips into mine, making me moan again in pleasure and struggle against my restraints.

"Please, Gee. I'll do anything." I whispered back.

"Anything?" he asked.

I nodded emphatically, as he reached forward to uncuff me. He released one wrist, the moved toward the other, unlocking it as well. I could hear the clink of them hitting the ground, as he threw them across the room. I flung my arms around his neck pulling him down to me, instantly. I smashed his lips to mine, with a moan.

After a few minutes, I flipped us over so I was straddling him. I began kissing his jaw, lightly, then moving down to his neck... his chest, his stomach. I began unbuckling his belt, kissing him through his jeans as I worked on the button and the fly.

I got his zipper down, pushing his jeans down underneath his ass, grasping onto each cheek as he placed another kiss on the front of his boxers. Gerard tangled his fingers into my hair, pulling on it roughly and moaning.

"Oh fuck, Frank." he breathed, as I worked the elastic and denim all the way down his legs, and tentatively running my tongue over his head. He gasped, tuggin on m hair just a bit harder as I swirled my tongue around and moving down his length slowly.

Maybe too slowly, but now I was not giving a damn. I wanted to savor this moment, this feeling. I wanted to him to gasp, and moan, and beg. I wanted him to make me scream, and swear, and pray.

He moaned, beginning small, shallow thrusts into my mouth, letting me know to go faster. And when I did, he yanked me up by my hair, kissing me roughly, and moving me back down onto the bed. He crawled on top of me, slowly kissing my hip and chest, before meeting his lips with mine. He pulsed his naked erection into my clothed one, before looking down.

"Nope, this isn't going to work."

I cocked an eyebrow, looking at him quizzically.

"You don't need these pesky things on, do you?" he asked, slowly unbuttoning and unzipping my jeans. I let out a loud gasp, shaking my head 'no', as his hand snuck inside my boxers, and began stroking me slowly.

"Oh god, oh fuck." I chanted, mindlessly giving into the pleasure. When I realized that I was already close to cumming, I pushed his hand away, recieving a groan from Gerard.

"Not yet..." I said.

"Baby, we have all night long. I promise you... this isn't the only time I'm going to get you off tonight. I've got plans for you, Cutie."

I shuddered at his words. Knowing that tonight we wouldn't have to rush in fear of a parent hearing, or because we were scared of who could catch us. We had a night all to ourselves to do whatever we want. Wherever we want.

His hand was back on me in an instant. I moaned into his mouth, as I kissed him slowly, reveling in this feeling. He smiled against my lips, as I gasped his name, letting him know I was close.

His head fell onto my shoulder, quickly biting my neck, as the pace of his strokes quickened. His thumb found my slit, and that was all it took. I was cumming with his name a ghost on my lips.

He looked at me for a minute, before asking, "What's on your mind, Cutie?"

I smiled, and replied, "Shower?"

He grinned back at me, lazily, "I love the way you think."

[Mikey's POV]

I somehow convinced Bob to take me back to the mall, complaining that I had forgotten shoe laces. He scoffed, but willingly drove.

"Just don't expect me to go into any girly froo-froo stores with you." he had warned me.

I went to the enterence, and sat down on the bench. Pete and Leesh would be able to spot me here.

"Smoke break." I announced.

"Smoke break? It was a two second walk from the car. How could you be craving a cigarette already?"

"I don't freaking know. Do you want one or not?"

Just then a hideous gold-colored Buick came screeching up in the parking lot, and a smaller strawberry blonde man in a wool hat jumped out of the driver's seat, and began heading toward me.

"You!" he shouted, pointing his finger in my general direction. "This is all your fault."

"Me? What the hell did I do? I don't even know you." I asked, as Bob jumped up to get in the stranger's face. I tugged on his sleeve, getting him to sit back down, and I took his place, standing toe-to-toe with the guy.

"Well, I know you, Mikey." he said, grabbing me by the collar.

Another screeching of tires could be heard, just before I heard Pete's voice yell, "Patrick!
Do not kill him!"

I opened my eyes, not even aware I had closed them, to find Pete and Alicia racing toward us. Patrick eyed me warily before releasing my shirt.

"Pete, what the fuck? Who is this?" I asked him.

"The lead singer of my band." he replied, grabbing my hand and pulling me toward him for a chaste kiss. "Told you I'd be your knight in shining armor. You shouldn't doubt me so much, Mikey Way."

"Oh really? So you're really going to destroy the world with an army of unicorns?"

"Dude, totally! I'll show you the blue prints later."

Patrick smacked the back of Pete's head, reminding him of his presence.

"Trick! Didn't I tell you he was gorgeous?" Pete asked, pulling Mikey to his side, before grabbing his shoulder and spinning him around. "Check out that ass. I'm gonna tap that shit later."

"Yeah, yeah. It's breath-taking. Most amazing ass ever." Patrick confirmed, unenthusiastically. "So, you're the reason Pete completely fucked over the band."

Uh oh.


I GOT MY COMPUTER BACK! YAY! Now I just hope I still have SOME people reading this.
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