(no subject)

Sep 28, 2010 18:22

Title: Outside Heaven's Door [P+19/???]
Author: weallfadeaway
Pairing: Frank/Gerard, Mikey/Gerard, Frank/Mikey, Mikey/Bob, Mikey/Pete, Mikey/Alicia, Alicia/Mikey/Pete, mentions of past Frank/OFC
Rating: This CH is R.
Warning: Adult Language. Adult Themes and Situations.
Disclaimer: I do not know any one in this story.
Summary: I watched as Gerard paced back and forth, as much as the cord of the payphone would allow, and chatted with Ray, glancing back toward me every five seconds or so. I knew they were talking about me and Frankie. What would happen. What he would do the minute he saw me. Hell, I was wondering the same thing right now.
Author's Note: I <3 Frank.


[Ray's POV]

I glanced at the house, nervously. It wasn't like Frankie had bionic hearing or anything, but something deep inside of me was telling me that he just knew that I was out here, discussing the situation between him and Mikey. And whatever we were talking about, he was not going to be happy about it.

"So, he's really coming back with you?... Wow. No, I won't tell Frankie yet. Not if you don't want me to. But, honestly, Gerard, don't you think...?" I was cut off by Gerard screaming about how he was still trying to make light of the situation, and didn't want to freak out Frankie if he didn't need to.

I could understand, sure, but... how could he hide this from him? Then again, it's not as if we weren't hiding Angel from him either. Hello, double standard! My name is Raymond.

"Okay, Gee, whatever you want. I'm here for you... Uh huh... Okay... No, I am not kissing him goodnight for you, Gee!... Okay, bye."

I sighed, and put my phone back in my pocket, before getting out of the car, and making my way up to his doorstep.

"You wanna have my who now?" I heard Frankie shout, as I neared the entrance. "No, you cannot have my children, you crazy bitch!"

I knocked gently, interrupting the scene, and peeked my head inside the front door. "Hey! You guys didn't kill eachother while I left, right?"

Angel smiled at me, "No, I was just explaining to Frank here, that since he's gay now..."

"I've always been gay!" Frank shouted, in reply.

She sighed, and rolled her eyes, "Okay, Francis, whatever you say."

"No, it's not a 'whatever you say' kinda deal! You're talking about my sexuality, woman! A huge part of what makes me, me. And... you're just waving it off like it means nothing."

"Well, geez, Frank, you were straight a month ago, you're gay now... who's to say what you'll be in a few weeks? I mean, can you really blame me for not taking you seriously? And where's this guy you're supposed to love so much." she scowled. "Hell, you'll probably be back under the bleachers with your hands underneath some girls sweater in a week."

"Angel, come on..." I started.

"What?" she asked, "Oh, I'm sorry, Ray. Frankie, you're right. It's more likely you become a drag queen and you'd be trading her a makeover for some of her extra cosmetics or something."

I looked to Frankie, and he was seething, but also looked defeated. Like a kicked puppy. And that look broke my heart no matter who the person. Even if it was my cousin causing it... I couldn't stand for this. "Hey!" I yelled. "Listen, Cuz? I know you've got some kinda beef with him because he wouldn't fuck you when you were dating or whatever. But honestly? If you talk to him like that one more time, I'll drive you all the way back to Berkeley myself."

Her mouth, and Frankie's, dropped in shock. "You wouldn't." she said.

"I would. Now gather your things, okay? I'm calling Laura and she's going to come and pick you up."

"Oh, you're getting your girlfriend to babysit me?"

"Only until you quit acting like a baby." I replied. "Besides, I'd rather hang out with Frank right now anyway."

She made a high-pitched, girly sound of disgust, and stormed out of the room. I looked to Frank on the couch, and smiled softly.

He returned the smile, weakly, and said, "You didn't have to do that, you know."

"Yeah, I did." I replied, "You're in the band. You're family now."

"But she's actual family."

"And?" I shrugged, collapsing into the comfy chair across from him, "Listen, Frank... blood may be thicker than water, but a guitar is thicker than both of them combined."

His smile grew wider, as he relaxed back onto the couch, "You know, you're a good guy, Ray."

[Mikey's POV]

I watched as Gerard paced back and forth, as much as the cord of the payphone would allow, and chatted with Ray, glancing back toward me every five seconds or so. I knew they were talking about me and Frankie. What would happen. What he would do the minute he saw me. Hell, I was wondering the same thing right now.

I just... can't believe I had gotten to that point where I really didn't care about hurting Frankie, as long as Gerard knew how badly I was hurting. How badly he was hurting me. And I knew at the time it was wrong... hell, I knew it before, during, and after, but I was numb to it. It's like it wasn't even me. Like I was watching it happen to other people. Like I was watching it on television or reading it on the internet. It just... didn't seem real. Not until Gerard pulled me from that motel room, and I knew I hadn't actually gotten away with anything. I realized it when he wrapped his fingers around my neck, and I felt what it's like to fear for your life... and know that someone you care about is about to take that from you.

God, he must have been so scared. And I'm the monster who did that to him.

My cellphone buzzed in my pocket sending me flying back into reality. I turned it on again while Gee was in the bathroom to check messages, and they kept coming in randomly. This one was from Pete.

'Are you okay? Do me and Leesh need to pull the white knight bit? Cuz I bet I'd look smokin' hot in a suit of armor. LoL.'

I smiled. I couldn't help it. The one good thing about this trip was getting to see Pete again. I think if I could fall in love with someone else, it would be Pete. Okay, so he's not that bright. But he makes up for it with humor, with kindness, and with amazing head.

I bit my lip, checking to see if Gee was still on the phone. And, face it, it's Gerard, so he was. I smirked, and wrote a quick message back, hitting send just as I noticed Gee heading back to the driver's seat.

The door flung open, and he said, "Hey, Bob's still inside. You want an Icee or something? It's pretty fucking hot."

"No, I think I'll be fine. I just want to get home." I replied.

He grinned, and slipped inside, "Yeah, me too."

[Gerard's POV]

Mikey's hand grabbed mine on the center console, linking our fingers together. "Hey Gee?"

"What's up, Mikes?"

"How bad is it going to be?"

I quirked my eyebrow, unsure, and asked, "What do you mean?"

"I mean, how bad is it going to be... with Frank? And Mom and Dad? And... everything?" he asked, before sighing and hanging his head defeatedly, "God, how did I screw all this up so badly?"

"You're fifteen?" I offered, jokingly.

"Seriously, Gee! I don't know if I can face them all. I don't know if any of them even want to see my face again."

"Honestly, I don't know either. I don't know how everyone else is going to react. How Frank's going to react. But it's not going to be good, Mikey. You fucked up. That's all there is to it. And now you've got repercussions to deal with. But hey, me and Bob are here, right? That's two people on your side. We just have to sway the rest eventually."

"You and Bob are on my side?"

"Bobby might not know it yet, but... yeah, he is. Hey, trust me, Mikey. No one could ever hate you for long."

"But Frankie has a reason to." he said.

"You let me worry about Frankie..." I replied, warily. I knew that was a bigger task than I was ready to handle. But I knew that in order for those two to ever be civil again, I had to be the one to bring them together. "I'll figure it all out, okay?"

Bob finally came back from the gas station's mini-mart with a grocery bag full of junk food. I couldn't help but laugh, and simultaneously anticipate the stomach ache we were to have if we actually ate all of that.

"We about to get this show back on the fucking road, bitches?" he asked.

"Yes, Robert. Only if you can ask me nicely." I joked.

He sighed, "Oh, puh-lease Gerard? Can we pretty please with sugar and rainbows and unicorns on top go now?"

"Say please again." I smirked.

Mikey laughed, and this made Bob huff with anger, "Motherfucker! Can we remind you that this is my car? So, drive.... hoe."

I couldn't help but grin, shaking my head slightly, "Such a dirty mouth. What the hell all did you buy anyway?"

"Oh, you know. Energy drinks, chips, jerky. All the essential road trippin' snack foods." he replied.

"Good man. Now, if you have a coffee Rockstar in there, I will totally kiss you." I said, with a yawn. I had been driving since we left Chicago, which was eight and some odd hours back, and I was getting pretty damn tired. but Bob drove all the way up, so I agreed to drive all the way back. I just hoped a rest stop was planned in there somewhere. You know, unless everyone wanted me to fall asleep at the wheel and crash into the center divider or something like that.

A coffee-flavored Rockstar fell in my lap, and I nearly jumped into the backseat to grab Bob by the face and plant a sloppy kiss on his lips. "Oh, thankyou, thankyou, thankyou! I will never make fun of your creepy blonde beard again."

"Deal." he replied, "As long as you never kiss me again."

"Why not? You both are hot! And, might I add, really amazing kissers." Mikey beamed from the passengers seat. Bob glared at me with a look that said either, 'I can't believe I ever liked your brother!' or 'Doesn't he know not to talk about incest in front of people?'.

"Whatever, kid." I shook my head, and started the car. Back to Jersey. Back to you, Cutie.

[Frankie's POV]

A car horn honking outside let us know that Laura was here to pick up Angel. Which she still was not happy about. She had locked herself in my bathroom, and Ray had just now gotten her out and began escorting her to the door to make sure she didn't bolt again, when she turned to him, with a scoff, and said, "Oh my god, I can't believe you're doing this to me, Raymond. When your mother hears how appallingly you treated me today..."

"She'll what?" he asked. "Because she's only met Frank once, you think she'll automatically take your side? I don't think so. She's a grown woman, and she makes grown decisions. And that doesn't include chastising your ex because of his newfound sexual orientation. I'm pretty sure she would agree. And, besides, she really likes Frankie."

"Like that really means anything."

"Well, when I told her that funny, little story about you guys dating in Berkeley and what had happened to the both of you after your break up... her exact words were 'Oh, poor Francis... I don't want to say anything bad about your Aunt Noreen, but, honestly Raymond, I don't know what she did wrong with that Angel girl. Your friend is way too good for her. In fact, I think he's my favorite of all your scummy little friends.' Yeah... my mom said that. So, I'm pretty sure? She likes Frank more than you."

"You're lying!" she exclaimed.

"No, not lying. Just bored now. Let's go." he replied, shoving her out the door lightly, before turning back toward me briefly to roll his eyes.

I laughed silently as I watched him take her to the car. When he returned, he went into the kitchen and fetched us a couple of sodas. Collapsing in his previous spot, he groaned, and mumbled, "Boy, what I wouldn't give for some whiskey to put in this right now."

I couldn't help but chuckle slightly, "I know what you mean. She's... not exactly the easiest person to be around."

"How did you put up with her? I mean, I know she's my cousin, but sometimes I'm really thankful that there's three-thousand miles between us, you know?"

"Yeah, I know." I agreed. "I guess... things in Berkeley were just different."

"What was so different?"

"Well, first of all, I was stoned twenty-four hours a day. That kinda dulled down her bitch factor some. Secondly, I had a step-dad when I lived out there, so I was used to getting treated like shit."

"Is that why you guys moved here?"

"Pretty much. Messy divorce. And my mom grew up here, so she's got all of her high school friends here, and some cousins too. So, she's happy."

"But... you're not?" he asked, with a raised eyebrow.

"No, I am. It's just... everything's been so complicated since I got here. These past two days, with everyone gone... it's given me a little time to reflect on everything that's happened since the move. And I... I don't know, Ray. I think I'm going crazy." I said, slumping forward slightly, head in hands.

"Hey, if you weren't crazy, Gerard wouldn't love you so much."

I smiled, "Yeah, I know. And I do love him. But I just wonder... am I doing the right thing keeping him and Mikey apart? I mean, obviously it means enough to Mikey for him to fly completely off the handle and do this to me. I don't know if I have that same kind of... devotion for anyone."

"Frankie, that's not devotion, that's a felony."

"No, I know. I just mean... I've never felt that kind of... passion for someone that it would make me go that crazy." I sighed, "And I feel like an asshole for even saying this, but Gerard might want someone who is crazy enough to do that to prove how much they love him or whatever."

"Gee's nuts, but he's not that nuts, okay? I know you're having your doubts, Frank. But, I'm positive, you'll feel a million times better when they're back." he said, before reaching over to grab my hand, "Hey, that guy loves the shit out of you. Trust me."

"When are they getting back?" I asked.

"Real soon."

"Is... Did they find Mikey?"

He gulped and looked toward the ground, "Umm... I think you should just wait until they back, okay?"

"Ray! Come on!" I exclaimed, "If Mikey's coming back to town, I think I deserve a right to know about it. To have time to pack a bag and find a getaway car or something."

"You're not going anywhere. We've gotta deal with this situation." he said, "And if you flee to Nicaragua, we'll never be able to do that, now will we?"

"I don't want to deal with the situation. I don't want to see Mikey ever again!"

"I know you don't. But you're dating Gerard. And Mikey is Gerard's brother. It's going to be a little difficult to ignore eachother, that's all we're saying. You guys... you all have to come to some kind of... common ground."

"Like what? 'Oh, hey Mikey! How was the trip? I promise I won't chop you into a million bloody pieces, if you promise never to violate my asshole again?' I don't think so, Ray!"

"I didn't say it would be easy. I just said it has to be done if you want to stay with Gee. You do want to be with him, don't you?"

[Pete's POV]

I helped Alicia with her last bag to the car. Slamming the trunk down with a loud, frustrated sigh. I already missed Mikey so much, and by the defeated look in Alicia's eyes, I could tell that she did too.

We were planning on going to the show still. I mean, I was obligated to, with my band performing and all. But somehow, my heart just wasn't in it anymore. I didn't know where to go now. Half of me wanted to go running after Mikey, to save him from his brother. But the other, probably more practical, half of me only wanted to go home, curl up in my bed, cry my eyes out, and try to forget about him.

My pocket began vibrating, and I dug in, pulling out my cell phone. Holy hell! I got a reply from Mikey! Talk about timing.

'No need to brandish any weaponry as of yet, but thanks. My brothers taking me back home. To make everything 'better'. 8-['

I quickly responded, 'Send me the address, and you know I'll be there in a heartbeat.'

I'll save you, Mikey. I'll do anything I can to get you back where you belong.

[Mikey's POV]

100 miles to Newark.

We were about an hour away from home, and the air was starting to finally smell like Jersey again. But my stomach was sinking down to my knees. The closer I got to home, the closer I came to the trial. At least that's what it felt like. And Frank was going to be my judge, jury, and executioner, unless I could convince him otherwise.

And I had a feeling this was a situation where a blowjob wouldn't get me out of it. Damn, I knew I would run into one of those some day.

We pulled off the road suddenly, causing my focus to shift back inside the car.

"Anyone else need to make a stop? I gotta go to the bathroom." Gerard said.

"Again, dude?" I asked.

"Hey, that Rockstar went right through me. I can't help it if my bladder is sensitive to caffeine." he replied.

"You are such an old woman, Way." Bob laughed. "Hurry it up, we're almost home."

"Fuck you, Bryar. Just for that, I'm gonna take even longer!" Gerard said, getting out of the car, and sticking his tongue out. He slammed the door just in time to escape the onslaught of various snacking items that came flying at his window, presumably aimed at his head. He just chuckled, and walked off, leaving me and Bob. Can you say awkward?

I shifted to face him and the backseat, "Bob? Are you mad at me too?"

He exhaled sharply, "Well, let me think, Mikey. We had just started fooling around together exclusively, when you decide to run off and rape Frankie. All to spite my best friend. Your brother. Who's also your ex-lover." he said, "Hmmm. No, why would I be mad?"

"I'm really sorry, Bob. I wasn't thinking..."

"Yeah, you weren't thinking. You weren't thinking about the repercussions. You weren't thinking about what this would do to Gerard. Or to Frankie. Or to me. Or the band." he sighed, "That's your problem, Mikey. You never fucking think about anyone but you."

"You're right." I replied, "I don't. And I can't believe I hurt you the way I did. You weren't only some guy I was hooking up with... you were one of my best friends too. I don't know what I would do without you and Ray."

"Well, you should have thought of that."

"I should have. But you gotta understand, Bob, I was..."

"I don't understand, Mikey! And don't try to explain it to me right now, okay?" he asked, "The wounds you left... are still fresh, alright? It's too early."

I gulped, before speaking, "I understand. When we get back home, I won't bother you anymore."

His hand reached up to grip mine on the headrest, "Hey... not forever, okay? Just... I need some time." he said, letting out a shaky breath. "I really liked you, Mikey."

I gave him a faint smile, "I really liked you, too. I'm sorry I screwed that up."

"I'm sorry you did too." he smiled back.

A text broke the moment. I flipped open my phone. Pete again.

'Send me the address, and you know I'll be there in a heartbeat.'

I looked up at Bob, worrying my lip in between my teeth. He was sitting sideways now, trying not to look at me... and I knew why once I saw his face. His eyes were brimming with tears. I couldn't believe it. I had never seen Bob cry. Ever. Could I really have hurt him so badly?

God, I really fucked up everything. I took every good relationship I had in my life and destroyed it. What the hell do I have to go home to?

'2167 Millstone Blvd. Belleville, NJ 08031. Leesh should know where it's at. ;D Thanks. For everything.'

Now... I wait for my knights in shining four-door armor to come and rescue me. That is, unless I find a reason to stay.

[Pete's POV]

"Leesh! I got the address!" I called to her. She looked up from her Big Gulp, and smiled. "2167 Millstone. You know where that's at?"

She scoffed, "Please. I know every inch of Belleville like the back of my over-accessorized hand." She said, throwing her hand in my face as she walked up to the register.

"You aren't kidding." I replied, "All those rings are going to blind someone someday. How do you give handjobs with those? Doesn't it, like, scratch their man-parts or something?"

She stared at her rings for a minute, quizzically, before plucking one off her pointer finger, and placing it in Pete's hand. "They do come off you know. You can have that one. Test out that theory for me. It'll look better on you anyway."

"Honey, everything looks better on me." I replied.

"Queen." she muttered, "So, Mikey's okay? He's... alright?"

"Our love-muffin is doing just fine. They took him hostage and are transporting him back to stinky Jersey as we speak. Which means we have to move fast."

She smiled, "Then, I guess we'll just have to take a short-cut."

"You know a shortcut? How is that possible? I thought girls always got lost driving."

"Let's face it, Peter. You know clothing. I know driving. I'm the man in this relationship."

"Well, everyone's a man compared to me, sweetie." I said, as we reached the car. "So... on the road again? Should we listen to some John Denver?"

"Jesus. If you try to make me listen to country one more time, I will kick you in the vagina." she replied.

"Leesh? Sorry, but I don't have a vagina."

"You do compared to me. Now, let's go get our boyfriend back."


Gracias to everyone who's been so patient in waiting for a new chapter. You guys rock my toe socks. I swear to Bob. I know this chapter's a little snooze-worthy, but I promise, I'll make up for it.

Keep the reviews coming and I'll throw in more SEX!!! hahaha.

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