(no subject)

Jul 01, 2010 22:51

Title: Big Love [04/??]
Author: weallfadeaway
Pairing: Spike/Buffy, mentions of Spike/Angelus, hints of Willow/Fred
Rating: This CH is PG-13.
Warning: Language.
Disclaimer: I do not know any one in this story.
Summary: I could vaguely hear the Sumarian chanting in the background. I looked down at Spike's shirt in front of me, and I traced a lazy finger down the front, feeling the absent muscles beneath. Soon... soon, it'll all be real.
Takes place after Series finale of Buffy (although, there's MANY references to 'CHOSEN' of course), in L.A, when Spike just happens to show up there. But it's much later than 19 days later. And I've taken some liberties. So, AU, I guess?


Jaydn had just finished drawing the protective circle around us, as Xander began lighting the stinky herbs.

I was told to clear my mind, but was finding it difficult. Everytime my mind tried to go blank, a flash of marble, white skin was the only thing I could see. I tried to think of clouds, of anything calming, but I could only think of the ocean blue depths of his eyes as they seared into mine.

He got away from me once, and my mind would not let him escape me again.

I could vaguely hear the Sumarian chanting in the background. I looked down at Spike's shirt in front of me, and I traced a lazy finger down the front, feeling the absent muscles beneath. Soon... soon, it'll all be real.

The last words of the spell were being said, and Xander and Faith held the map of Los Angeles they printed out from the computer as still as they could, as Jaydn plunged the knife into our destination. I could feel it working. My skin was tingling; I could feel a strange electricity coursing through my veins, and I could hear the air crackling as the teleportation portal opened up around us... I closed my eyes, and saw nothing but an overwhelming blue light...


Angel found Giles, Willow, Gunn, Fred, and Spike all sitting around a bottle of Jameson, playing cards. The four who were actually able to drink looked plastered, and... was that Willow's hand on Fred's thigh?

"So... blackjack, huh?" he asked, lamely. "And Irish Whiskey?"

"Hey, I'm not drinking it, so I don't care what bloody country it's from. Although, I will say, Jameson's the only thing you Irish ever got right. And as for the blackjack, it's the only game I could play without actually holding the cards." Spike said, smiling.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Spike." Fred practically yelled, before collapsing in a fit of giggles onto Willow's shoulder. The red head threw her arm around the mousy brunette with a drunken smile, and scooted closer.

"So, I guess this isn't the best time to ask you to interpret a dream, then." Angel said, noticing that Giles had just dealt about 6 cards to each player. For a hand of 21.

"A dream?" Giles asked, suddenly switching into Watcher mode. "Tell me more."
Angel looked over to Spike, with confusion in his eyes. Spike noticed, and asked, "What's up, mate?"

"I don't know if you should hear this, Spike."

"Oh, I understand. You can talk about Spike, but not around Spike." he exclaimed, standing up from the table, "Bugger this." And Spike was gone.

Angel's eyes traveled to the floor, in guilt. Sure, Spike could have stayed and listened, but... it was what he, himself, would say that was scaring him most at the moment. He didn't want to sound jealous. Least of all, of Spike. But that's what he was, wasn't it? Jealous... of Spike?

"So, boss, this dream?" Gunn asked.

"Yeah, umm... it was in my office, at first, when we released Spike from the amulet. Only it was different. Giles, you and Willow were there. Then suddenly, we were in the white room. The amulet was glowing green, then flashed... and Spike was floating there. Still dead. Well, deader. And he fell backwards onto the floor, coughing, and he was breathing really hard. And shaking..."

"Gosh, that sounds awful!" Willow and Fred said, simultaneously, causing them to laugh hysterically.

"That's not all." Angel said. "There was... it was deafening, to everyone else, but for some reason it didn't phase me. There was a heartbeat. Spike's heartbeat. And I bent down... and he was warm... and I checked his pulse, and it was there. And then he opened his eyes, and there was... there was no Spike left in him. His eyes... You gotta understand me, I'd know those eyes anywhere, because I hated them from the moment I saw them. But I haven't seen them in 150 years. Since Dru dragged him home... still half clinging to life, because she hadn't turned him properly." he paused, with a loud, frustrated sigh, "He was human, Giles. He was William again."

"Oh, my." Giles sunk back in his chair and reached for the bottle, idly taking a swig.

"So, is that good news... or bad news?" Gunn asked. And Angel shot him an angry look. Gunn responded by taking the bottle away from Giles, and sipping down as much as he could. "Okay, bad news."

"For Angel, yes, it seems so. The Shanshu will only grant one vampire with a soul back to a human life. And if Angel and Dawn's dreams mean anything..."

"Wait." Angel interrupted. "Dawn's dreams?"

"She called early this morning saying she had somewhat of the same dream. It's very interesting that the two of you should be sharing dreams."

"So, Dawn's having prophetic dreams now? I thought that was Buffy's gig. And why am I having them?"

"Well, we'll have to add that to the research list." he said, as he began cleaning his glasses, "The only thing I can say that's really interesting is that you're having them from your perspective and Dawn's having them from Spike's. One, the subject, and one, an observer. It's rather fascinating."

Angel was still trying to process it. So, Dawn was having the dreams too, and apparently the Powers wanted her to see it from Spike's point of view. He still didn't understand why the Platinum Pain-in-his-Ass was so important to the Summers' girls... or any of the Scoobies. "Yeah, it's pretty weird." he finally muttered. "Well, you guys get some sleep and sober up, and we'll research tomorrow."

But when Angel looked up, Gunn was already asleep. Willow and Fred had left the room. And Giles was fighting to keep his eyes open.

He sighed and headed back to his room, changed into some decent patrol gear and headed back down to the lobby. He noticed Spike at the front desk talking to Harmony. Now, if only Blondie Bear could keep her occupied long enough for him to slip past without...

"Hey, boss!" Harmony's perky voice rang out. That. "Where ya headed?"

"Out for patrol. Need to kill things. See you later, Harm." he said, trying to brush them both off, but when has he ever been able to brush off Spike?

"And later, you are going to tell me what happened in this impromptu meeting, yeah? This meeting that's got your knickers in a twist. The one that was about me. And that I wasn't allowed to go to. Again. Right?" he called after me.

Angel froze just before the exit. He turned, and glared at Spike, "We'll see. I'll tell you when we're both ready."

As Angel stomped out, Spike turned back around and sighed, hanging his head, in frustration.

"I just don't understand, Harm. What do I have to do to get some sodding answers around this place?"

"Trust me, Spikey, if I knew I'd be in a position higher than secretary, and someone would be getting me coffee for a change."

"Well, baby, if I wasn't all ghosty, I'd fetch you anything you like." he said, smirking slightly.

"Oh, Spikey. Don't make promises you can't keep." she replied, smiling sadly.

"What the hell's that mean?"

"Don't be making those sexy eyes at me when we both know you'd rather be making them at... eww, the Slayer?"

"Hold on. Do you see the Slayer anywhere? No. I could have called Buffy the moment I got back, but I didn't. Mostly, cuz I can't hold a telephone, but for other reasons! I let her have her chance at a real bloody life. To be really happy, not to just settle for what's convenient. What me and the Slayer had... it wasn't good. For either of us. And it wasn't love."

"Are you sure? Cuz it seems to me like you love her. And from what I saw, she was a wreck after you died. I mean, granted, I would only see her for, like, five minutes at a time when she called me for more booze, or water and aspirin in the morning, but... holy crap. Talk about a hot mess."

"What the hell are you blabbering on about?" he interrupted.

"When you sucked Sunnydale into the ground, they escaped and came here. Buffy got a room here, most of the others went to the stinky old hotel for a day or two, but Buffy... she was here about a week and a half. Never left her room, unless it was to go to the store, when we refused to buy her more whiskey. Hardly ate. She left here looking Euro-model skinny. I was kinda jealous!" she said. "I even caught her smoking a cigarette once."

"The Slayer?" he asked, "No way."

"Yes, way! It was your brand. I recognized the smell. And it led me to Buffy." she sighed. "She was majorly hurting. And you don't go through that, unless you really love someone."

"Yeah, well... I didn't ask your advice on me and the Slayer. You know what, Harm? If the Great Poof decides he wants to chat, tell him I went out for a walk." he said, angrily, and stomped out the front door, and she could hear him exchanging words with people right outside the entrance.

She shrugged her shoulders, and began humming and tapping her fingers on the desk. The door opened, and in walked...

"Lorne! Hey! Oh, hey Wesley." Harmony greeted, "Wes, Angel wanted to talk to you, but he left for patrol. Ummm... I guess Giles might know what's going on."

"I think we know what's going on, sugar." Lorne said, "And what's going on is headed toward this City of our dear Angel right now looking for your precious Blondie Bear."


(Spike's POV)

I was popping myself from rooftop to rooftop. If I was going to be noncorporeal for awhile, I decided I might as well hone my ghostly talents. Now, if only I could figure out how to be invisible all the time, instead of just when Angel was in the room.

That's when I saw him. The bleedin' Poofter, axe in hand, heading back off toward his soddin' kingdom, ready for those flunkies to bow down and worship. God, how I hate him. And don't. That's our biggest problem.

And it really was. Our love/hate relationship had always been our downfall. Angelus had been my mentor, and we had shared some good times, but most of the time we spent together, ended up with poor William cowering in a corner, pleading, or hiding with Drusilla, trying to avoid our Sire for just a few more hours. Angelus, he knew nothing but how to inflict pain, and teach others how to do the same.

He would beat his lessons into me with a gleam in his eye that I only saw when a mother was handed her newborn. When a man and woman first made love. It was an intimacy. We shared the love of pain. Giving and receiving. The girls turned their blind eyes and let him abuse me. Every way he knew how. And sometimes I made him regret ever hurting me at all. When I mended after nights he'd gotten too rough. Like I mentioned to Willow, he taught me how to inflict pain, and I often had to. Not that both of us didn't enjoy the back and forth game. And, yes, most of the time, he would get so out of hand, I wouldn't be able to walk, to stand, to even crawl... for weeks. But I would lie there with a smile on my face.

Because, sometimes, he would hold me afterward, licking and tending to my wounds, whispering sweet words of the destruction to come. And those were the times I knew he cared. Despite how much he wanted to pretend like he didn't. My Angelus. My Sire.

Angel... well, I still hadn't quite figured out Angel's intentions. Because sometimes I still saw some of my old Sire in there. But sometimes, this creature standing before me was so different, I wondered if some demon had managed to slip into Angelus' body and take over. This person simply could not have ever been Angelus. Never. Not the Angelus that I used to...

But my contemplation was cut short. A strange electricity shot up my neck making the tiny hairs stand on end. My mouth went dry. Whatever it was, it was behind me. And just as I looked, a blinding, blue light shot out in the darkness, knocking me backward. I crawled on the ground, toward the railing, and just barely peered over.

Four bodies were sprawled out on the ground. Three women, one man. The one closest to me got up almost instantly. She began wiping off her duster, and smoothing out her long black hair.

"Oi! I told ya it wasn't as bad as it sounded. You guys alright then?" she asked, in an all too familiar accent.

A growl began in the back of my throat. I didn't like this woman.

"Five-by-five." Faith grunted, struggling to her feet. "I just feel like I've been microwaved and slammed up against a wall, so bare with me if I need to take a minute."

"Oh, I so second that." Xander said, rolling over and grunting, still not standing. "How ya doing over there?" he asked, nudging the blonde next to him.

Wait! What are the Whelp and Faith doing with that wench? Oh, this cannot be good. This cannot be good. And that means the blonde must be...

"Ya know, I think we were missing that... that cool car with the doors that opened like wings. That might have helped." Buffy said.

"The Delorian, Buffy. And that was for time travel." Xander said, as they both eventually made it to their feet, "Which we didn't do. We just magicked ourselves halfway across the world, so you could see if your most recent vamp-ex-with-a-soul is alive and well. So, let's find him. You can hurry up and profess your undying love, all soap opera style, and we can get the hell out of here already."

"Xander, shut up." she said, unenthusiastically.

Buffy knew I was alive. And she really loves me. She magicked herself all the way from whereever she was just for me. I bet she'd never do that for Angel. And definitely not for Soldier Boy. Yep. She loves me.

I better get out of here before she sees me.

Too late. She feels me, near. Her eyes are darting around now. Gotta go. Can't let her see me.
Not like this.

I began running from the rooftop but there was little ground left. I began focusing my energy on the next one approaching, trying hard to dematerialize and reappear over there. But as soon as I went poof, I knew something had gone wrong.


(Back to Buffy's POV)

"Xander, shut up." I said, unenthusiastically.

And then I could sense it. He was here. I could feel him, watching me. There was something in the air that just screamed... Spike. And after having him practically stalk me for over a year, I got pretty attuned to the feeling. But this is good! It means I didn't come here for nothing! Spike's alive. He's really, really... back.

"Spike." I whispered, smiling, slightly, as my eyes darted around the empty alleys, then moving up to the rooftops. But he wasn't there. My face fell. Wishful thinking, I guess.

I should have known it wouldn't be that easy.

I was kinda wishing that this was Sunnydale. There was only three places that Spike would be. His crypt, Willie's, or maybe the factory. I could almost hear his voice in my head, "Hey, how thick do you think I am?"

That was one thing about Spike. You think he'd be the most predictable person in the world, based on his wardrobe, and then he surprises the hell out of you. For all we know, he could be anywhere. He might not be with Angel, at all. He probably high-tailed it as soon as he got a little blood in him. I mean, why would Spike wanna stay with Angel?

"You alright, B?" Faith asked, "The trip fry your brain a little?"

"No, all good here. Just contemplating our next move. Thanks though." I smiled. "Come on, off to Wolfram and Hart."


Angel trudged back through the doors, waving half-heartedly at Harmony, trying to avoid her, but she began running after him, panic evident in the way she said his name. She never called him by his name anymore. It was always 'Boss'. In fact, almost everyone called him 'Boss', now.

"Angel! Angel... thank god, you're back. Wesley and Lorne came back after you left, and they said something was on it's way here for my Blondie Bear! Oh, god, Angel, I don't know what I would do..."

"Harmony, calm down, we're not gonna let anything happen to Spike." he said, in a futile attempt to calm her, "Now, where are Wes and Lorne?"

"In your office." she replied. "Oh, that's not all."

He gave her a look that let her know he was in a hurry and didn't have time for pauses.

"Spike left, right after you did. And right before they showed up with the bad news. I think he talked to them on his way out. Not sure if they told him or not. But he said he needed to go for a walk, and for you to find him if you ever wanted to have that talk."

"Thankyou, Harmony." he said, "You know what, can you do one more thing for me before you leave tonight?"

"Sure, boss. Anything." she smiled.

"I think we're gonna need alot of alcohol tonight, and I don't think we're stocked up enough here. Would you run to the store for me?"

"Will do, boss."

And with that, he headed toward his office to find out what was happening. Whatever it was, he was sure he wasn't going to like it.


Spike reappeared in a dark room. He turned, searching for any sign of life. Anything that would make this place recognizable.


"Oh balls." he cursed. "How the hell did I wind up back in this trinket?"

"You aren't in the amulet, William. We brought you here." a woman's voice said, through the darkness.

"And who exactly are you, love?"

"We are the Powers." a male voice said. "We have been watching you and are very impressed. And we are prepared to make you an offer."

"Well, what kind of offer, mate? Cuz I gotta say, I know what I said to Red back there, about being open and the like, but I really don't do brother/sister deals. That's just... creepy."

"Well, if you are uninterested, lower being, so be it. I just wish you hadn't have wasted our time." the female voice said.

"I didn't bring me here, remember?" Spike said. "So, why don't you guys show yourselves and then we'll talk, yeah?"

"We do not deal directly with lower beings anymore. If you want to hear the offer, you must trust us." she said.

"Fine. Yeah. Whatever. Get it on with, then." he said, impatiently.

"If you want to recorporealize, you must touch the last person you were in contact with before you died."

"Ummm... hello, cryptic lady? I can't touch anyone. That's the problem. So how am I going to be able to that?"

"That's not the question we were meant to answer." the male voice said. "Only you can figure that out."

A flash of white light exploded all around him, and Spike was back on the rooftop.

Thanks everyone who's been reading.
More soon!

spuffy, spangel

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