(no subject)

May 12, 2010 17:21

Title: Grave Mistakes
Author: weallfadeaway
Pairing: Tony/Benji
Rating: This CH is PG-13.
Warning: Language.
Disclaimer: I do not know any one in this story.
Summary: We would walk down the street, and streetlights would flicker and fade as he passed. The televisions in store windows reception became blurry and distorted. My cell phone's reception always went down a couple bars when he was around.
Author's Note: To anyone to ever wishes on shooting stars... that Tony and Benji will have sweaty, hot make up sex.


[Benji's POV]

Joel knew! I couldn't believe it. I watched Tony retreat into the bathroom, and Joel sat back down onto the bed in front of me, with a sigh. His head went into his hands instantly, and he was clearly upset. I was still fighting the urge to touch him, comfort him. I mean, one little brush couldn't hurt, right? I wish I could just get some...


It was the woman from the white room. Only now she looked normal... Well, normal-ish. She still had white hair, but pulled back. Her eyes had turned a normal shade of blue and she was wearing what she would call 'human' clothes - jeans, a grey and blue striped sweater, and sneakers. If she hadn't materialized in the room, I almost wouldn't have recognized her.

She was standing in the far corner, leaning against the dresser, looking nervously in the direction of the bathroom. Tony? What about Tony could be making her nervous?

"Whoa. Makeover. Was I really worth all the trouble?"

"I wasn't allowed my normal appearance. I might have been detected by one of your friends there." she said, motioning toward their general direction.

"Joel?" I asked, and she didn't reply. I knew she wasn't big with giving answers, so no reply was probably a 'no'. "So... Tony."

"He's capable of... alot more than I think even he knows he is."

I put my head down, and sighed. My head was swimming, and I hadn't even asked her anything yet. I wasn't understanding what she was telling me. Tony was some kind of... what? Man-witch? Warlock? Voodoo Priest? I mean, come on! This guy could barely make a sandwich; I was highly doubting his ability to do... spells or rituals or whatever, and have the patience for it and be able to follow the instructions precisely.

But I knew was that she was right. Tony was one capable motherfucker. He was always one to get a job done. However sloppily, or underhandedly, he achieved it, he always accomplished his task. Let's just hope he can get this one done... and done right.

I looked back up at her, and said, "Well, that's what I've always told him. So... you were going to give me some answers?"

"What are your questions?"

"So, can I touch them? Does that count as 'direct contact'? I mean, I understand I can't communicate with them... but you didn't really specify on this subject."

"To be honest, most people can't even feel it when incorporeals touch them. It's odd. So, normally we cut out that rule."

"Normally?" I asked, "So, this is an abnormal case?"

"Well, we did consider revoking that clause, because of Mr. Lovato's ability's. And I won't lie, your brother has some keen detection skills as well... but nowhere near in Anthony's league." she said, walking toward me, "But, I told the big guys upstairs that it would be cruel to separate you from your twin like that. So, I believe you owe me a big one."

"Really? You did that for me?" I asked, shocked, and she nodded in reply, "So... what do I have to do?"

"Just bring me back a souvenir from your road trip."

"What, you want an 'I heart New York' tee straight off the hobo's back?" I asked, "You want that with the stab wound stains? Or taser burns?"

She laughed briefly, then said, "You'll figure it out."

"You know... I've never caught your name."

"Danica." she said, "You can call me Dani."

"And who are these big guys upstairs that you report to?"

She smiled, "Let's just say, Benjamin, that they are fucking assholes that you don't wanna meet. So, you better hope and pray that your friends find a way to bring you back so we can prolong that for another 40 or 50 years."

"I'll do that." I said.

A noise from the bathroom jerked my attention away from Dani momentarily, and when I looked back, she was gone. Which was fine, I had gotten enough answers for now. I can touch them, and that's all I really cared about.

I sprang from the bed and went to go investigate the noise. Hopefully, I can see for myself what she was talking about. Because in all my years with Tony, I had never really known him to talk about ghosts or anything supernatural. Unless it was 'out of this world' titties, but I don't really think they qualify as forces of evil. Unless they're Courtney Love's boobs. Then they are just... pure evil.

But I mean, sure. He would talk about seeing things move in the shadows and get spooked. But I just thought he was a pussy and was still afraid of the dark. But then he did have weird things happen to him too. Supposedly, glasses have flown off of shelves at him. On his word, and Matt's. I was never one to really take the Lovato's word for anything. Until, this one time, he was walking down the hallway at Tim Armstrong's place, and as soon as he got into the foyer, the chandelier smashed down behind him. Unprovoked. We checked, and no big trucks had gone down the street, and there had been absolutely no seismic activity that would have shook the house enough for the chandelier to fall suddenly. The Lovatos were convinced it was Tony's ghostly charm.

I just thought... hey, chandelier's break. At first.

Then, I started going out with Tony. We would walk down the street, and streetlights would flicker and fade as he passed. The televisions in store windows reception became blurry and distorted. My cell phone's reception always went down a couple bars when he was around. Which was annoying.

It's like anywhere he went, he just sucked the energy right out of the place!

God, I get it! That's why the room is so dark.

Oh god... I get it...

[Tony's POV]

I stood at the edge of the sink and exhaled sharply. I still wasn't sure how to deal with the way Joel was taking all of this. I expected it to be kind of bad, but... not like this. Right now, he's blankly staring at the bathroom door. I don't think he can process it. And I don't really have the heart to go back out there and see him like that right now. Not when I'm still trying to pull myself together and deal with it myself.

Benji's here. With us.

The light above my head flickered for a moment and I reached up and gave it a hard smack, getting it to dimly shine again for a moment.

What I didn't get to tell Joel about my brush with the faith healer, was that afterward, I have had the shittiest luck with appliances. With anything electrical. And with glass. I don't know what kind of crazy mojo that guy worked on me that day, and I don't know why it had to be me...

Well, I lied. I do know why it had to be me. The man told me. He said it had to be someone who loved Matt. Someone who cared for him and was going to make sure that, no matter what, everything was going to go smoothly, and he wouldn't be harmed. And I was that man. Because no matter what, I loved my cousin. And I wouldn't let any motherfucker hurt him.

All I know is that I wish I had taken Matt to the hospital that day.

The room's temperature drops suddenly. The hairs on my neck start to prickle and become slightly itchy. My palms become sweaty, clammy. A shiver runs down my back and all the way down to my toes, making them curl instantly. He's in here, with me.

I snort, bitterly, tears welling up in my eyes, as I rest my forehead against the mirror in front of me. He's here. But not really.

"Benj... I know you're in here, you sneaky fuck." I said, "I wish you could talk back... Oh, I got it. But... can you even knock? Is this like a poltergeist situation? Once for yes. Twice for no."

It took a second, but I heard one, very quiet knock coming from the medicine cabinet, above the toilet, behind me. I spun around, trying to face the source of the noise. That's when I felt a hand grip mine. The tears that were teetering on the edge were now spilling down my face, and kept on coming.

"Oh shit..." I exhaled, "Are you okay?"

One knock.

"Do you know what happened to you?"

There was a long pause, before his next knock. Which meant he knew he was dead.

"Oh god, Benji. I know I should save this for when we get you back. But I know... and I shouldn't be talking like this, but I know there's a possibility this is permanent." I paused, wiping my eyes. "Benj, I'm so sorry for everything. I'm sorry that things between us got so bad in those last few months. And I'm sorry that I walked out. I should have stayed and fought for us. I should have checked myself into rehab or... fuck, anything else to prove to you that you were more important. Because, nothing... since you walked into my life, has been more important. And I was too fucking stupid to see it then. I'm so sorry." I said, "And... god, and I'm... I'm sorry I'm the reason you're where you are now. I love you, Benji. I never wanted this for you. Never."

I felt a finger wiping a tear away from my eye. This was too much. I wanted to hear him screaming back at me, crying. Anything but this. Anything but having him, holding my hand, and wiping my tears. And me, standing here like an idiot, seemingly talking to no one, if Joel didn't know Benji was lurking around. Anyone else would think I was fucking crazy. Hell, sometimes, I debate my sanity.

"I missed you, Benj. I really don't want to miss you forever." I sighed, "I'm going to make things right. And I mean that in more ways than one. I promise you. I know I said it before. But I don't know if you heard it before, or if you were around. So I need you to fucking know... that no matter what, you are coming home. And I don't care what that means. If I don't make it through this trip... or if you don't want me after it. If you're not coming back to the both of us, you are at least coming back to Joel. He needs you. More than I think I do right now. And I promised that to him. I'm not breaking a vow to a Madden ever again." I smiled slightly, wiping the remnants of my tears away. "I still love you, Benj. Always."

[Joel's POV]

It's a few hours before the excitement wears off, and Tony explains to me that Benji's probably stuck in between existential planes at the moment, waiting to be placed where he belongs. Which is good and right where we want him. If he still hasn't been placed anywhere that means we can still take him back. But we have less time than he originally thought.

I just want to know how the fuck Tony learned all of this.

I stayed quiet and didn't ask him the million questions racing through my head, thinking it would be best to save them for later. He's probably suffering with this new knowledge like I am. I know it's gotta hurt him, knowing that Benji's so near and he can't do anything about it.

Cuz it's fucking killing me.

"Joel?" he asked, from the doorway of the room.

I turned toward him, and replied, "Yeah? Uhh... what's up, Tone?"

"I got most of the stuff packed. You almost ready to go? Or did you want to eat some more first? Cuz I don't really want to stop again anytime soon. Our schedule just got kinda fucked and we gotta make it all the way up to Coos Bay by tomorrow."

"Oregon?" I asked, "Tony, we're barely outside of Hanford. That's gotta be a 12 hour drive."

He walked toward me, coming to my side, and draped an arm around my shoulder. He began leading me toward the car outside as he spoke, "Joely, let's just have a little faith, okay? It's not going to happen overnight, as much as we both want it to."

"I know... I know, okay! It's just... this is Benji, Tony. You understand, right?"

He stopped us, right before the passengers side door, turning, so that I was facing him, taking both my shoulders in his hands, as he said, reassuringly, "Trust me, Joel. Aside from you, no one wants your brother back more than me. That's why I'm here."

He opened the door for me, and I slipped inside, knowing that he was right. We were the two people who wanted Benji back more than anyone, and I was going to be damned if we were going to let him down. It was just hard to shake this overwhelming sense that all this was for nothing. That this was a waste of time. That none of this could possibly work.

Even with evidence that the supernatural indeed existed... even after sensing my dead twin brother's spirit, I still wasn't convinced. Jesus, what the hell is wrong with me?

"Hey, Tone? Where are we going, exactly?"

"Oregon, I told you." he said, as he got into the driver's seat. He grasped the cross hanging from the dashboard between his index and thumb, for a moment, before dropping it, and turning his attention back to me. That's kind of become his new habit, for good luck, he says. He rubs the cross before he starts the car, saying that Benji used to do the same thing whenever it rained. He believed it would bring angels down to watch over the car, and make him a better driver.

I want to know when the hell Benji was driving Tony's Cadillac, cuz he never let anyone drive it. Not even Matt.

Benji must have meant more to Tony than he knew.

"Yeah, but... what's in Oregon?" I asked.


"Quit being cute. I'm serious."

"You seriously think I'm cute, Joely?" he asked, batting his eyelashes at me in a mocking manner.

"Fucking adorable, Tony. Now, Oregon?"

"Okay, okay." he said, raising his hands in a faux-surrendering gesture. "I know a guy up there. A priest who went 'rogue', so to speak. He's been performing miracles and healing people ever since."

"The blind guy?"

"No. Not the blind guy." he sighed, "Trust me, Joel, if I ever saw the blind guy again, I would kick him in the balls."

I laid my head back, and tried to get comfortable. The ride was going to be a long one. Not nearly as long as some I was about to face, I'm sure. God, I was really hoping this priest guy was going to work. But since when have first attempts ever been notorious for panning out.

I want to keep a positive attitude, but Tony said, every day Benji's chance to come back to us lessens. And every minute we spend in this car, I can't help but wonder why the hell we're even bothering. Every minute we're sitting here or in a motel room, we're reducing his chances by a fraction.

God, it's all so frustrating.

But then, I feel it. That feeling in the pit of my stomach. I feel his hands running through my hair, and a gentle kiss on the back of my head. I look into the rear-view mirror. Only for a moment, knowing that I won't really see anything but the road rushing behind us... and I know that that's why I'm here. For the slight possibility of that being a reality again. Of looking back there, and seeing Benji staring back at me again.

And I'd travel to the end of the world for it.


Okay, there's another installment knocked out of the books.
I shall be back with more, whenever I write it. LoL.
Thanks to whoever the hell's reading!

mest, gc, tonji

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