I went to the
H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival yesterday and saw
The Dead Inside (unintentionally funny; made by Canadians - I swear at one point a character says "Shut up, please"),
Marebito (very good), Dreams in the Witch House (pretty good;
Stuart Gordon's latest), and a block of short films that included, among many others, the HPL Historical Society's film of Call of Cthulhu, which was nicely done, and the hilarious "Antiques Roadshow: Arkham, Mass." I also picked up a
shirt, a festival poster, and the
"A Shoggoth on the Roof" CD, which I'd been wanting since
trom played it at the July 4th barbecue. (Apparently it just got
BoingBoinged two weeks ago.)
My mood is very fragile every day -- neutral until some small thing happens, such as catching myself a nasty crack on the head against the edge of a door just before going out last evening (with resultant scary sleepiness, nausea, and a big sore spot). And then, y'know, I'm not so happy. But "ASOTR" makes me giggle, so that should keep me cheerful when the slings and arrows of minor irritants assail me. (As do inanimate objects: I am badly bruised on my head, legs, and hips from the painful process of learning the outlines of my new apartment. Klutz + unfamiliar placement of doorknobs and corners = ow.)
markschaffer show tonight!