PSA: Visiting

Jan 23, 2011 19:50

I am now booked solid for visitors from mid-February through mid-April 18. Like, solid. My Google Calendar, oy. I have quiet time for the next three weeks, until February 12, when I fly to New Orleans for the weekend. Then I get back and Visitor Firehose opens up. April 12, the madness lifts, and I get a week of quiet (...or it gets booked up too, you tell me). Then I'm goin' off-island for Easter weekend, around April 20-24.

Starting the last week of April, my schedule is open. If you want to visit, that's the earliest I could host. (Or from now until February 10.) But be forewarned: the Weather Inversion Point arrives in May, when it becomes hot and muggy enough here, and pleasant enough in whatever northern climes you're from, that visiting Puerto Rico becomes less attractive. Plus, I think I'll go off-island Memorial Day weekend too. (So few trips for me! I am amused that this year promises to be the opposite of last year, when I went on trips to the mainland mad often. Some law of conservation?)

Triage rules: if you've visited already, people what ain't been here before get dibs over you.

Also, since my job ends in early September, I am declaring No More Visitors after mid-July as I will be going batshit nuts trying to finish up at work, train my replacement, and make and execute moving arrangements.

Evaluate the remaining time window -- to wit, April 25 through July 17 -- and make inquiries accordingly. The Bear Flag Restaurant awaits!

rezendi, who visited a week ago, can attest to how awesome Puerto Rico is.

You have been advised.

puerto rico

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