I was able to take care of a lot of little things around the house this weekend, but I still have an assortment of tasks to do before my bro and sis-in-law arrive.
But I am feeling more pleased about my domicile. And I have yet to engage in a big give-away project. Which doesn't necessarily need to happen before Christmas. I just now have a plan.
Yes, I'm still hooked on Kindle reviews. Still so many people reviewing a product they don't own. Controversial products are fun. But the trend is there. Those who do own it tend to love it, except people who lack dexterous grace and end up pressing every kindle button imaginable when they pick up the device. Or people with strange issues like button fetishes. "Sony would make better buttons on their device."
Uh, yeah.
So go buy a Sony if you want better buttons that send frissons of pleasure through your body with every button press, freak. Maybe the
Power Exchange will have a dedicated floor for you and your other friends who enjoy "button play".
Meanwhile, the rest of the Kindle users will use their device to read.