Title: Five Times Felicity Lied, and One Time She Didn't Even Try
weakmomentsFandom: Arrow
Parings/Characters: Felicity Smoak, Oliver Queen, mentions Moira, Diggle and Sara
Prompt: five times Felicity lied and one time she didn't even try from
1_million_wordsWord Count: 1509 words
Disclaimer: I in no way own any part of Arrow
Warnings/Spoilers: spoilers for all of season two of Arrow.
Summary: Felicity was good at lying about whatever she felt or didn't feel about Oliver, or was she?
Author's Note: I love all things Olicity. I've also enjoyed writing these Arrow stories a lot more than I thought I would. I think it is because I tend to ramble and say the complete wrong thing like Felicity does at the most inappropriate times. :D Looks like I only finished two of my 5+1 challenges for the month, but I think I'm going to work on some more the rest of the year! Way too inspiring not to! Here it is and I hope you enjoy! Oh, and everything that is italicized and in quotes comes directly from the show even if I can't remember exact episodes, other than the finale. The last section is from that wonderful scene in the season finale so I hope everyone has watched it! :D
“I see the way you look at him”
Those words seemed to get stuck in Felicity's head the moment Moira Queen said them. She wasn't even certain anymore about what else his mother said in that moment in the living room of the Queen mansion. Something about him hating her of course stuck with her, but in her gut she knew that wouldn't happen. Okay, maybe she wasn't completely certain because she was afraid to tell him the truth, but she did. And after everything they've been through, she knows he couldn't feel that way or she would have to do something pretty bad to make him hate her.
Felicity smiled as she remembered the conversation she had with herself as she left the mansion, thankful no one heard her. “She sees the way I look at him? What is that supposed to mean? The way I look at him. I look at him like a woman looks at her boss. Her partner. Right, he said we're partners. Friends. I guess she sees how I look at him as a friend looks at another friend, because that is all we are. Friends. Partners. Coworkers. Secret keepers.” Maybe in her gut she knew she was lying to herself, and maybe lying to everyone else, but she was not about to admit it to anyone.
“I do not like Oliver”
She watched him. Felicity couldn't help but watch Oliver sometimes but that certainly did not mean she liked him. They were friends and that was all. She liked Barry but, well, with the whole coma thing, she realized that might not go anywhere. Sure, there were moments when Felicity thought, maybe, if there were different circumstances, like he wasn't a billionaire or if she hadn't been the girl he needed in IT. Maybe if they met at a club somewhere. No, she was Felicity Smoak, IT girl, and he was Oliver Queen, billionaire.
Felicity was just tired of having to tell every single person she talked to that there was nothing going on between her and Oliver.
“It must be difficult for you seeing them together”
Felicity told Diggle it wasn't about the two of them being together. In what universe did she possibly think that it did not matter to her seeing Oliver with Sara? “It's about me.” Sure, she said it was all about how she was having a crappy day, and that everything she did to keep them safe failed miserably, but who was she kidding? Diggle told her she was irreplaceable. No, Oliver loved Sara and Sara was more than capable of doing just about everything Felicity could do and then some. There was a coffee stain on the wall at Felicity's place that was certainly proof enough that it bothered her seeing them together. But Oliver would never know that because he'd never been to her place and again, she was certainly not going to admit that fact to anyone she knew.
“Diggle had mentioned maybe you were feeling a little left out”
She quickly responded with a definite 'no' and even after taking some of Dig's really strong aspirin she knew she had to deny, deny, deny. Oliver was all fuzzy to her that night and she hadn't meant to say anything at all about how she was 'his girl' and how it sounds like the same word but oh so different in her head. Inside her head, in that moment, there was a voice screaming for her to shut up and make Oliver leave so she didn't say anything else she might regret later. So many things fly out of Felicity's mouth that she immediately regrets and tries to fix but the words are out there in the universe and nothing can bring them back inside of her. She kept insisting, even the next day when no one but Oliver was around, that whatever escaped her mouth the night before was strictly because of the super powerful aspirin Dig gave her which of course must not have been aspirin. Oliver simply smiled.
Felicity denies it and will continue to deny it. If only people could believe her.
Felicity heard rumors around the office that she must be sleeping with Oliver. “No” she would respond, emphatically, but the person would simply smile and nod before walking away. She heard that a few people even had the gall to ask Oliver if there was anything between the two of them. Of course, they always said he responded with the fact that they were just friends, no matter what anyone thought to the contrary. Everyone was convinced and no matter how hard Felicity tried to explain she was Oliver Queen's friend, it was never enough.
“You need to stay here”
“What? Why, you can't just ask me...”
“I'm not asking. I will come and get you when this is all over.”
“No, not unless you tell me why.”
“Because I need you to be safe.”
“I don't want to be safe. I wanna be with you.”
It was planned. All an act. 'Make him out think you' she suggested, but never expected this. Not in any version of a plan to take care of Slade that Felicity had ever imagined would this moment have happened. She was acting. She had to make sure to play the part.
“And the others. Unsafe.”
“I can't let that happen.”
“Oliver, you're not making any sense.”
Felicity was standing so close to Oliver. She had to sell it. The voices in her head kept screaming at her, yelling something about how this was real and she should take advantage of the moment. She realized, because of the plan, she could be completely honest about her feelings and it would be exactly what they needed. She felt a little light headed because of the way he was looking at her. 'He's playing the part' she told herself. Or maybe he was also a little more honest than usual.
“Slade took Laurel because he wants to kill the woman I love.”
“I know. So?”
“So, he took the wrong woman.”
In her head she's thinking she needs to play it cool. She can't freak out. It's the plan. It is all about the plan. They had to be convincing. They had to show Slade that they were in fact a couple and that they were of course in love because they spend so much time together and he's always touching her and watching her and he gets these looks on his face in those moments while he's watching her and wait, the plan. Felicity has to respond.
Felicity is watching him and Oliver is not saying a word. He's watching her. He is looking right into her eyes, into her soul, and Oliver is not saying a single word. All she can think of is 'oh my god, Oliver, say something or I am going to start rambling like I tend to do around you, and that can not be good for our plan.' Felicity feels her heart pounding in her chest, certain Oliver can hear it. The plan. She knows she has to focus on the plan, that this isn't real, but for the life of her, she can't focus on anything but her heart and the way it feels.
“I love you.”
Those three little words. Felicity knew they would have to be said in order for the moment to be believable and for Slade to be convinced that he had the wrong woman. She hadn't expected to feel what she felt when Oliver said them, though, and that kind of terrified her. She couldn't speak. How could she possibly focus enough in order to speak after the way he was gazing at her and the way he spoke to her. He was standing so close to her and her thoughts were all over the place.
“Do you understand?”
Sure, she understood completely. He passed her the syringe so that is obviously why he was standing so close to her. But there was that tiny hint of a smile right before Oliver asked if she understood. That was what she didn't understand. The tiny smile, the looks, they way he said those three words, those were the things she didn't understand. The syringe was the easy part. Felicity knew her heart was on her sleeve and she was certain her emotions were written all over her face. And she did not care one tiny little bit. It was the plan. The plan was for Oliver and Felicity to convince Slade that they were in love and that is exactly what she did. Slade was watching, maybe listening, and Felicity knew, without a doubt, she didn't have to lie about anything as they stood so close in Oliver's house. She wasn't expecting the aching, empty feeling, however, as she watched Oliver walk away from her.
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