Happy 4th of July, everybody! (Happy Independence Day, America!)

Jul 04, 2010 09:38

Independence Day Quiz
(No answers will be provided…if you’re uncertain about any of the answers to the questions, look it up!)

1. Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?
2. When was the Declaration of Independence signed?
3. Who was declaring independence from whom?
4. What was “taxation without representation?”
5. Who said, “Give me liberty or give me death” and what did he mean?
6. What does the phrase “separation of powers” mean?
7. What is the Bill of Rights?
8. What rights are afforded to US citizens under the First Amendment?
9. What are the three branches of the United States government?
10. What are “checks and balances?”
11. How many Justices are members of the Supreme Court?
12. How does the Electoral College work?
13. How many Senators are there?
14. Who casts the deciding vote if there is a tie in the Senate?
15. When was the Constitution ratified?
16. What is Manifest Destiny?
17. When did women receive the right to vote?
18. When was the Civil War?
19. What were some of the causes of the Civil War?
20. What was the 3/5ths Compromise?
21. Who were the Abolitionists?
22. What did the Emancipation Proclamation do?
23. What was the Underground Railroad?
24. Who were the Carpetbaggers?
25. What was Reconstruction?
26. How many Presidents have been assassinated?
27. How many Presidents have been impeached?
28. How many Presidents were born in Michigan?
29. What was the United States’ involvement in World War I?
30. When did WWI take place?
31. What was the League of Nations? Who proposed it?
32. What was the United States’ involvement in World War II?
33. When did WWII take place?
34. When was D-Day?
35. When was V-E Day?
36. When was V-J Day?
37. How many atomic bombs were used in WWII?
38. Where were they used?
39. What were Jim Crow laws?
40. What does the phrase “separate but equal” mean?
41. When was the Pledge of Allegiance written?
42. When were the words “under God” added to the Pledge of Allegiance?
43. What was the Civil Rights Movement?
44. When was the Civil Rights Act signed into law?
45. What did “Brown v. Board of Education” do? When was it?
46. What was the Domino Theory?
47. Who said, “Speak softly but carry a big stick?”
48. Who said, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself?”
49. Who said, “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country?”
50. Who wrote the Star-Spangled Banner?

question, politics, patriotism means knowing your history

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