Jun 08, 2010 08:55
So far, I am loving the Metro. I've decided that I am not going to be one of those commuters who plugs in and just stares blankly into the void, surrounded by his own soundtrack, oblivious to the sounds and the life going on around him.
Yesterday, I saw a professionally dressed woman on the Metro carrying four hockey sticks. I spoke to a couple from Portland traveling with their 5 year old daughter (the man wearing a "People's Republic of Portland" t-shirt). Then I chatted with a woman who was reading (I only started chatting with her after she closed the book, though. Respect!) a book by an FBI agent about reading people's body language.
This morning I overheard a conversation with an American man chatting with a European woman (I missed the part about where she was actually from) about a bunch of places in Austria and Switzerland. It came around to nursing, and the man's wife is a nurse, and his daughter is in nursing school. At Michigan State University.
Then a woman from Iowa asked me about the best way to get from point A to point B in DC after she hesitated (and so missed out on) in claiming a seat vacated by a leaving passenger. The amazing part is that I knew how to direct her. So then we chatted for a while longer and she is in town to lobby her congressman about human rights violations. And she was amazed at how the people she's staying with commute for almost an hour each way every day. "Welcome to DC."
When I finally got a seat this morning, I was sitting kitty-corner to a young woman. Our knees were practically touching and I wanted to tell her that I liked her scarf, but she was busy doing her makeup, taking care to stop applying whatever she was working on when the train was starting or stopping.
Ah, DC...