Clearing Degrees and Running

Aug 25, 2009 14:28

Grades were due yesterday (I got a "P" in my independent study...) so that means that today is the day that we clear Summer candidates for graduation. I'm denying a *lot* of students. It's just the way it goes in summer. Some of them know it because they've already enrolled for Fall courses, but some of them will be receiving an e-mail later this week with the bad news. Oh well.

I ran at lunchtime and got an enormous blister on the arch of my left foot. It hurts a lot. It's a bigger section of my foot than was blistering before. So I don't know if I was running in crappy socks, if my shoes weren't tight enough, or if my orthotics need to be adjusted again, but it wasn't comfortable starting around mile 2 and was downright painful by the end of the run. I ran about 3.78 miles in just under 30 minutes. Here's where I ran today.

I ran from the IM today instead of going home. It means I have to bring all my stuff and pack a lunch but it's actually pretty convenient, all told. And it turns out that I weigh 7 pounds less on the scale at the gym than I do on the scale at the office. So that's something, too.

I haven't been on the computer in the evening at home for the last two nights. It's actually kind of nice not to be in the office reading e-mail or surfing the web at night. Having said that, I need to start working on the re-design of a website, and continue writing my review of Willinsky's "The Access Principle" to kick things off for my independent study for FS09. Just one class and one independent study and then I graduate in December. That is, if someone on my staff will clear my degree...

training log, weight, graduate school, work, injury log, running

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