Two Thousand Aught Eight was an alright year. No, this isn't my Year In Review post, but a bunch of people have started posting their lists for the top [noun] of [year]. I hadn't even really realized that Christmas is over. Or that Thanksgiving happened, for that matter.
Where is my head?
I didn't read very many things for fun this past year. I finally read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows on my trip to DC for the AACRAO Leadership conference. I've been meaning to post some thoughts about it for a while but haven't gotten around to it.
misunderstruck is probably in the lead for Books Read. He just posted a list of like 385 books. I read mostly erudite academic articles dealing with educational research or FERPA and how it applies to me. But Gates of Fire by Stephen Pressfield was so badass that is deserves more special treatment. If you only read one book in 2009, read Gates of Fire. Seriously. Just be prepared for the badass that is that book.
I didn't run very much this year and I'd like to change that in 2009. Maybe with the physical therapy and some new orthotics I'll be back in running form, and I'll be able to go at it without debilitating pain. I don't mind the muscle soreness, the aches, the pains, the loneliness of the long-distance runner, or any of that. But when discomfort crosses over into...well...ridiculous pain, that's where I draw the line. I'm (not) hardcore, but even I have my (very low) limits.