Nov 19, 2008 08:23
Can anyone explain in tiny little words that I am able to comprehend why it is that the auto industry is getting the big phat finger from the Feds while the banking industry, the airline industry, the insurance industry, and the mortgage industry all got ridiculously sweet handouts? I mean, if the federal government is going to take over everything and we're going to be the United States of Sweden, why not buy out the auto industry, as well. At least then they'd have more of a say in when mpg standards get raised, etc. right?
Maybe it's because I'm in Michigan and we've (collectively, as a state, not really "me" personally) have been suffering for a long, long time. And yes, the Big Three have made incredibly short-sighted business decisions (increase the output of SUV's, stat!). But don't start with the "it's the union contracts that are dragging down American automaker's ability to compete." Because that isn't it. The unions are probably weaker than they've been since they were created and overall unions are a great thing. Do you like the weekend? Yeah? Unions gave that to you.
Having defended the unions let me turn around and say that there's a lot that can and should be changed about how they work and how they're structured, etc. But they aren't the cause of the US' inability to make a quality vehicle that gets good gas mileage.
So can someone smarter than me (I know you're out there!) ((just kidding, a LOT of people are smarter than me)) (((Maybe not a *LOT* but a reasonable number of people, sure))) ((((is it really that important if someone is smarter than me? I think the measurement should be just if they know more about why the Feds are thumbing their noses at Detroit...yeah, let's go with that)))) tell me what the deal is?
we lack a certain strategy,