"Why do we wear pins? Because our country is under attack!"
- Sean Hannity [
Oh Sean, you do go on. Why not "join the army" or "conserve energy" or "buy Undeclared War BondsTM" because our country is under attack? No? Too much "sacrifice" and not enough "recognition?" Good for you, Shawney. You keep up the "good work" that you're doing.
Also, as a matter of fact, our country was under attack by terrorists for one Tuesday morning some six years ago. Since then, it's been under attack by chickenshit right-wing neoconservatives and their wormtongued shills (I'm looking at you, Shawney). Our troops are currently under attack because our asshole, super chickenshit president sent them off to war in too little numbers, with too little equipment, with too little focus, with too little planning, with too little international support, and with too little leadership (I'm looking at you, Bush). So it's a little disingenuous to start a war then try to out-shout people you disagree with simply because the country has troops deployed into harms way. But keep telling yourself that wearing that pin makes everything o.k.
Oh, and also, fuck you.